@pnp/sp/comments and likes¶
Likes and comments in the context of modern sites are based on list items, meaning the operations branch from the Item class. To load an item you can refer to the guidance in the items article. If you want to set the likes or comments on a modern page and don't know the item id but do know the url you can first load the file and then use the getItem method to get an item instance:
These APIs are currently in BETA and are subject to change or may not work on all tenants.
import { sp } from "@pnp/sp"; const item = await sp.web.getFileByServerRelativeUrl("/sites/dev/SitePages/Test_8q5L.aspx").getItem(); // as an example, or any of the below options await item.like();
The below examples use a variable named "item" which is taken to represent an instance of the Item class.
Get Comments¶
const comments = await item.comments.get();
You can also get the comments merged with instances of the Comment class to immediately start accessing the properties and methods:
import { spODataEntityArray, Comment, CommentData } from "@pnp/sp"; const comments = await item.comments.get(spODataEntityArray<Comment, CommentData>(Comment)); // these will be Comment instances in the array comments[0].replies.add({ text: "#PnPjs is pretty ok!" }); //load the top 20 replies and comments for an item including likedBy information const comments = await item.comments.expand("replies", "likedBy", "replies/likedBy").top(20).get();
Add Comment¶
// you can add a comment as a string item.comments.add("string comment"); // or you can add it as an object to include mentions item.comments.add({ text: "comment from object property" });
Delete a Comment¶
import { spODataEntityArray, Comment, CommentData } from "@pnp/sp"; const comments = await item.comments.get(spODataEntityArray<Comment, CommentData>(Comment)); // these will be Comment instances in the array comments[0].delete()
Like Comment¶
import { spODataEntityArray, Comment, CommentData } from "@pnp/sp"; const comments = await item.comments.get(spODataEntityArray<Comment, CommentData>(Comment)); // these will be Comment instances in the array comments[0].like()
Unlike Comment¶
import { spODataEntityArray, Comment, CommentData } from "@pnp/sp"; const comments = await item.comments.get(spODataEntityArray<Comment, CommentData>(Comment)); comments[0].unlike()
Reply to a Comment¶
import { spODataEntityArray, Comment, CommentData } from "@pnp/sp"; const comments = await item.comments.get(spODataEntityArray<Comment, CommentData>(Comment)); const comment: Comment & CommentData = await comments[0].replies.add({ text: "#PnPjs is pretty ok!" });
Load Replies to a Comment¶
import { spODataEntityArray, Comment, CommentData } from "@pnp/sp"; const comments = await item.comments.get(spODataEntityArray<Comment, CommentData>(Comment)); const replies = await comments[0].replies.get();
You can like items and comments on items. See above for how to like or unlike a comment. Below you can see how to like and unlike an items, as well as get the liked by data.
import { LikeData } from "@pnp/sp"; // like an item await item.like(); // unlike an item await item.unlike(); // get the liked by information const likedByData: LikeData[] = await item.getLikedBy();