Viva Connections & SharePoint Framework Community Call – 23rd of March, 2023

Viva Connections & SharePoint Framework Community Call – 23rd of March, 2023

  • VesaJuvonen Vesa Juvonen
  • 8 minutes to read
  • 23 Mar, 2023
    • Microsoft Viva and SPFx community call
  • Views (daily/total)

Call summary

Welcome to the bi-weekly call focused on Microsoft 365 client-side development. In this call, we focus on using Viva Connections and SharePoint Framework to build solutions for Microsoft Teams and SharePoint Online.

New this week


  • Building advance interactive world map for business information with SPFx – this Interactive Map web part delivers the ability to add custom markers, map layers and has a host of configuration options. “Bing Maps” has few configuration options comparatively speaking. Review creator’s idea and highlights, technology/packages used, demo, and resources. See property pane customization options (add marker, category, update legend) and general settings (define layers, plug-ins, categories). All markers are stored in web part.
  • Creating Viva Connections extension with user presence status using Microsoft Graph Presence API and SPFx – an introduction to the Graph Presence API, API methods, presence sessions, presence sessions with SPFx, a setPresence method example, and suggestion to use Graph Explorer to experiment with API. This ACE demonstrates how to use the Presence Graph API endpoints (beta) to set and retrieve a presence status message for a user. Set/update a user’s presence – their availability and a message to viewers.
  • Exposing business data in Microsoft 365 using Azure Data API builder and SPFx – integrate a ToDo list into an existing application without writing any code with an open-source tool Microsoft just released called Data API Builder for Azure Database. For a new/existing database, specify a table, and let tool create a REST API or GraphQL endpoint that’s then consumed by your application – an ACE in this case! Step through ACE code for managing security and tasks.

The host of this call is Hugo Bernier (Microsoft) @bernierh. Q&A takes place as always in chat throughout the call.

Agenda items

00:00 – Intro – Hugo Bernier (Microsoft) @bernierh

06:50 – SharePoint Framework – Vesa Juvonen (Microsoft) | @vesajuvonen

08:19 – PnPjs Client-Side Libraries – Hugo Bernier (Microsoft) @bernierh

09:00 – CLI for Microsoft 365 – Garry Trinder (Microsoft) | @garrytrinder

10:34 – Microsoft Graph Developer Proxy – Garry Trinder (Microsoft) | @garrytrinder

12:02 – PnP SPFx Controls – Alex Terentiev (Microsoft) | @alexaterentiev

13:33 – Viva Connections Toolkit for Visual Studio Code – Vesa Juvonen (Microsoft) | @vesajuvonen

14:07 – PnP Modern Search – Hugo Bernier (Microsoft) @bernierh

14:35 – PnP Samples - Hugo Bernier (Microsoft) | @bernierh

15:04 – PnP SPFx ACEs Samples - David Warner II (Microsoft) | @DavidWarnerII

15:39 – Together mode picture – Vesa Juvonen (Microsoft) | @vesajuvonen

16:38 – Demo – Building advance interactive world map for business information with SPFx – Sergej Schwabauer (Aurum GmbH) | @spfxappdev

29:17 – Demo – Creating Viva Connections extension with user presence status using Microsoft Graph Presence API and SPFx – Yves Habersaat (Sword Group) | @yhabersaat

39:44 – Demo – Exposing business data in Microsoft 365 using Azure Data API builder and SPFx – Davide Mauri (Microsoft) | @mauridb & Paolo Pialorsi (PiaSys) | @PaoloPia

56:24 – Closing

Together Mode


The people in this Community are nothing less than awesome! Thanks everyone for joining today’s call.


Demo references

Thank you for your great work. Samples are often showcased in Demos.

Open-source project status

PnP ProjectCurrent versionRelease/Status
SharePoint Framework (SPFx)v1.16.1 (GA), v1.17 (Beta 3)v1.17 (GA) April 2023
PnPjs Client-Side Librariesv3.13 (GA)v3.13 to be released March 17, 2023
CLI for Microsoft 365v6.3 (GA), v6.4 (Beta)
Microsoft Graph Developer Proxyv0.5 (Preview)v0.6 to be released March 30, 2023
Reusable SPFx React Controlsv3.13.0 (GA), v2.9.0
Reusable SPFx React Property Controlsv3.12.0 (GA), v2.7.0
Viva Connections Toolkit for VS Codev0.4.1 (GA)
PnP SPFx Generatorv1.16.0v1.17.0 on the way
PnP Modern Searchv4.8.0 (GA), v3.23.0 (GA)

General Resources

Other mentioned topics

Upcoming calls | Recurrent invites


Viva Connections & SharePoint Framework bi-weekly calls are targeted at anyone who is interested in the JavaScript-based development towards Microsoft Connections, Microsoft Teams, SharePoint Online, and also on-premises. Calls are used for the following objectives.

  • SharePoint Framework engineering update from Microsoft
  • Talk about PnP JavaScript Core libraries
  • CLI for Microsoft 365 Updates
  • SPFx reusable controls
  • PnP SPFx Yeoman generator
  • Share code samples and best practices
  • Possible engineering asks for the field - input, feedback, and suggestions
  • Cover any open questions on the client-side development
  • Demonstrate SharePoint Framework in practice in Microsoft Viva, Microsoft Teams or SharePoint context
  • You can download a recurrent invite from Welcome and join the discussion!

“Sharing is caring”

Microsoft 365 PnP team, Microsoft - 23rd of March 2023