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entra user registrationdetails list

Retrieves a list of the authentication methods registered for users


m365 entra user registrationdetails list [options]


m365 aad user registrationdetails list [options]


--isAdmin [isAdmin]

Filter for users who are admins. Allowed values are true or false. If not specified, returns all users.

--userType [userType]

Filter for members or guest users. Allowed values are member or guest. If not specified, returns all users.

--userPreferredMethodForSecondaryAuthentication [userPreferredMethodForSecondaryAuthentication]

Filter users by selected method as default second-factor authentication. Allowed values are push, oath, voiceMobile, voiceAlternateMobile, voiceOffice, sms or none. Specify either one method or more methods separated by a comma.

--systemPreferredAuthenticationMethods [systemPreferredAuthenticationMethods]

Filter users by most secure authentication methods registered for second-factor authentication. Allowed values are push, oath, voiceMobile, voiceAlternateMobile, voiceOffice, sms or none. Specify either one method or more methods separated by a comma.

--isSelfServicePasswordResetRegistered [isSelfServicePasswordResetRegistered]

Filter for users who have registered for self-service password reset. Allowed values are true or false. If not specified, returns all users.

--isSelfServicePasswordResetEnabled [isSelfServicePasswordResetEnabled]

Filter for users who have been enabled for self-service password reset. Allowed values are true or false. If not specified, returns all users.

--isSelfServicePasswordResetCapable [isSelfServicePasswordResetCapable]

Filter for users who are ready to perform self-service password reset. Allowed values are true or false. If not specified, returns all users.

--isMfaRegistered [isMfaRegistered]

Filter for users who are registered for multi-factor authentication. Allowed values are true or false. If not specified, returns all users.

--isMfaCapable [isMfaCapable]

Filter for users who are ready to perform password reset or multi-factor authentication. Allowed values are true or false. If not specified, returns all users.

--isPasswordlessCapable [isPasswordlessCapable]

Filter for user who have registered a password less strong authentication method. Allowed values are true or false. If not specified, returns all users.

--isSystemPreferredAuthenticationMethodEnabled [isSystemPreferredAuthenticationMethodEnabled]

Filter for users who have enabled system preferred authentication method. Allowed values are true or false. If not specified, returns all users.

--methodsRegistered [methodsRegistered]

Filter users by registered methods used during registration. Allowed values are mobilePhone, email, fido2, microsoftAuthenticatorPush or softwareOneTimePasscode. Specify either one method or more methods separated by a comma.

--userIds [userIds]

Filter users by ids. Specify at most 20 ids separated by a comma.

--userPrincipalNames [userPrincipalNames]

Filter users by user principal names. Specify at most 20 UPN separated by a comma.

-p, --properties [properties]

Comma-separated list of properties to retrieve.

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.


Using the --properties option, you can specify a comma-separated list of registration details properties to retrieve from the Microsoft Graph. If you don't specify any properties, the command will retrieve user's account name, registered methods and timestamp of last update.


When multiple values are specified for --userPreferredMethodForSecondaryAuthentication option, the command returns registration details with at least one specified selected method as default second-factor authentication.

When multiple values are specified for --systemPreferredAuthenticationMethods option, the command returns registration details with at least one specified most secure authentication methods registered for second-factor authentication.

When multiple values are specified for --registeredMethods option, the command returns registration details with at least one specified registered methods used during registration.


Retrieve registration details for all users

m365 entra user registrationdetails list

Retrieve user registration details and returns only specific properties

m365 entra user registrationdetails list --properties 'id,isAdmin'

Retrieve registration details for admins

m365 entra user registrationdetails list --isAdmin true

Retrieve registration details for guest users

m365 entra user registrationdetails list --userType guest

Retrieve registration details for users who selected either sms or push authentication method as the default second-factor for performing multifactor authentication

m365 entra user registrationdetails list --userPreferredMethodForSecondaryAuthentication 'sms,push'

Retrieve registration details for users with push authentication method as the most secure authentication method among the registered methods for second factor authentication determined by the system

m365 entra user registrationdetails list --systemPreferredAuthenticationMethods push

Retrieve registration details for users who have used either Microsoft Authenticator app or mobile phone during registration

m365 entra user registrationdetails list --methodsRegistered 'microsoftAuthenticatorPush,mobilePhone'


"id": "61b0c52f-a902-4769-9a09-c6628335b00a",
"userPrincipalName": "",
"userDisplayName": "Adele Vance",
"userType": "member",
"isAdmin": false,
"isSsprRegistered": false,
"isSsprEnabled": false,
"isSsprCapable": false,
"isMfaRegistered": false,
"isMfaCapable": false,
"isPasswordlessCapable": false,
"methodsRegistered": [],
"isSystemPreferredAuthenticationMethodEnabled": false,
"systemPreferredAuthenticationMethods": [],
"userPreferredMethodForSecondaryAuthentication": "none",
"lastUpdatedDateTime": "2024-01-23T19:37:43.7170699Z"
"id": "ebd27dbd-75f2-4ef8-bd51-102c3faf62ec",
"userPrincipalName": "",
"userDisplayName": "John Doe",
"userType": "member",
"isAdmin": false,
"isSsprRegistered": false,
"isSsprEnabled": false,
"isSsprCapable": false,
"isMfaRegistered": true,
"isMfaCapable": true,
"isPasswordlessCapable": false,
"methodsRegistered": [
"isSystemPreferredAuthenticationMethodEnabled": false,
"systemPreferredAuthenticationMethods": [],
"userPreferredMethodForSecondaryAuthentication": "push",
"lastUpdatedDateTime": "2024-01-23T19:37:43.7165489Z"