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spfx package generate

Generates SharePoint Framework solution package with a no-framework web part rendering the specified HTML snippet


m365 spfx package generate


-t, --webPartTitle <webPartTitle>

Title of the web part to generate. Displayed in the tool box when adding web part to page

-d, --webPartDescription <webPartDescription>

Description of the web part to generate. Displayed in the tool box when adding web part to page

-n, --name <name>

Name of the package to generate. Used among others for the .sppkg file. Must be unique in the app catalog to avoid collisions with other solutions.

--html <html>

HTML snippet to embed in the web part. Can contain <script> and <style> tags.

--enableForTeams [enableForTeams]

Specify, to make the generated web part available in Microsoft Teams. Specify tab to make the web part available as a configurable tab, personalTab to make it available as a personal tab or all to make it available both as a configurable and personal tab. By default the web part will not be available in Microsoft Teams.


Set, to make the legacyPageContext exposed by SharePoint Framework available at window._spPageContextInfo for use in the HTML snippet of the web part


Set, to make the Microsoft Teams context exposed by SharePoint Framework available at window._teamsContextInfo for use in the HTML snippet of the web part


Set, to allow the solution package to be deployed globally to all sites

--developerName [developerName]

Name of your organization. Displayed in Microsoft Teams when adding the solution as a (personal) tab. If not specified set to Contoso.

--developerPrivacyUrl [developerPrivacyUrl]

URL of the privacy policy for this solution. Displayed in Microsoft Teams when adding the solution as a (personal) tab. If not specified, set to

--developerTermsOfUseUrl [developerTermsOfUseUrl]

URL of the terms of use for this solution. Displayed in Microsoft Teams when adding the solution as a (personal) tab. If not specified, set to

--developerWebsiteUrl [developerWebsiteUrl]

URL of your organization's website. Displayed in Microsoft Teams when adding the solution as a (personal) tab. If not specified, set to

--developerMpnId [developerMpnId]

Microsoft Partner Network ID of your organization. If not specified, set to 000000.

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.


Generate a web part that shows the weather for Amsterdam. Load web part contents from a local file. Allow the web part to be deployed to all sites. Expose the web part in Teams as a personal tab.

m365 spfx package generate --webPartTitle "Amsterdam weather" --webPartDescription "Shows weather in Amsterdam" --name amsterdam-weather --html @amsterdam-weather.html --allowTenantWideDeployment --enableForTeams all


The command won't return a response on success.