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teams meeting attendancereport list

Lists all attendance reports for a given meeting


m365 teams meeting attendancereport list [options]


-u, --userId [userId]

The id of the user, omit to list attendance reports for current signed in user. Use either id, userName or email, but not multiple.

-n, --userName [userName]

The name of the user, omit to list attendance reports for current signed in user. Use either id, userName or email, but not multiple.

--email [email]

The email of the user, omit to list attendance reports for current signed in user. Use either id, userName or email, but not multiple.

-m, --meetingId <meetingId>

The Id of the meeting.

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.


Lists all attendance reports made for the current signed in user and Microsoft Teams meeting with given id

m365 teams meeting attendancereport list --meetingId MSo4NmY0MWZhMi1kYjUxLTQyMTUtYjE3Zi1lYzY3NGQ2MjQzNjYqMCoqMTk6bWVldGluZ19OamMwWW1Zd05UVXROMlJoTlMwME0yRmhMV0V6T1RndE9HVmxNbVl4TkdVd05tUTNAdGhyZWFkLnYy

Lists all attendance reports made for the and Microsoft Teams meeting with given id

m365 teams meeting attendancereport list --userName --meetingId MSo4NmY0MWZhMi1kYjUxLTQyMTUtYjE3Zi1lYzY3NGQ2MjQzNjYqMCoqMTk6bWVldGluZ19OamMwWW1Zd05UVXROMlJoTlMwME0yRmhMV0V6T1RndE9HVmxNbVl4TkdVd05tUTNAdGhyZWFkLnYy


"id": "ae6ddf54-5d48-4448-a7a9-780eee17fa13",
"totalParticipantCount": 6,
"meetingStartDateTime": "2022-11-22T22:46:46.981Z",
"meetingEndDateTime": "2022-11-22T22:47:07.703Z"