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todo task set

Update a task in a Microsoft To Do task list


m365 todo task set [options]


-i, --id <id>

The id of the task to update.

-t, --title [title]

Sets the task title.

-s, --status [status]

Sets the status of the task. Allowed values are notStarted, inProgress, completed, waitingOnOthers, deferred.

--listName [listName]

The name of the task list in which the task exists. Specify either listName or listId, but not both.

--listId [listId]

The id of the task list in which the task exists. Specify either listName or listId, but not both.

--bodyContent [bodyContent]

The body content of the task. In the UI this is called 'notes'.

--bodyContentType [bodyContentType]

The type of the body content. Allowed values: text and html. Defaults to text.

--importance [importance]

The importance of the task. Allowed values: low, normal, high.

--dueDateTime [dueDateTime]

The date and time when the task is due. This should be defined as a valid ISO 8601 string in the UTC time zone. Only date value is needed, time value is always ignored.

--reminderDateTime [reminderDateTime]

The date and time for a reminder alert of the task to occur. This should be defined as a valid ISO 8601 string in the UTC time zone.

--categories [categories]

Comma-separated list of categories associated with the task.

--completedDateTime [completedDateTime]

The date and time when the task was finished. This should be defined as a valid ISO 8601 string. e.g. 2021-12-16T18:28:48.6964197Z.

--startDateTime [startDateTime]

The date and time when the task is scheduled to start. This should be defined as a valid ISO 8601 string. e.g. 2021-12-16T18:28:48.6964197Z.

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.


When you specify the values for categories, each category can correspond to the displayName property of an outlookCategory. It is permissible to use distinct names.


Update a task with title New task to Update doco in Microsoft To Do tasks list with a specific name.

m365 todo task set --id "AAMkADU3Y2E0OTMxLTllYTQtNGFlZS1hZGM0LWI1NjZjY2FhM2RhMABGAAAAAADhr7P77n9xS6PdtDemRwpHBwCin1tvQMXzRKN1hQDz2S3VAAAXXsleAACin1tvQMXzRKN1hQDz2S3VAAAXXzr9AAA=" --title "Update doco" --listName "My task list"

Update a task with status from notStarted to inProgress in Microsoft To Do tasks list with a specific name.

m365 todo task set --id "AAMkADU3Y2E0OTMxLTllYTQtNGFlZS1hZGM0LWI1NjZjY2FhM2RhMABGAAAAAADhr7P77n9xS6PdtDemRwpHBwCin1tvQMXzRKN1hQDz2S3VAAAXXsleAACin1tvQMXzRKN1hQDz2S3VAAAXXzr9AAA=" --status "inProgress" --listName "My task list"

Update a task with bodyContent and reminder and flag it as important in Microsoft To Do tasks list with a specific name.

m365 todo task set --id "AAMkADU3Y2E0OTMxLTllYTQtNGFlZS1hZGM0LWI1NjZjY2FhM2RhMABGAAAAAADhr7P77n9xS6PdtDemRwpHBwCin1tvQMXzRKN1hQDz2S3VAAAXXsleAACin1tvQMXzRKN1hQDz2S3VAAAXXzr9AAA=" --listName "My task list" --bodyContent "I should not forget this" --reminderDateTime 2023-01-01T12:00:00Z --importance high

Update a task with due date in Microsoft To Do tasks list with list id.


Update a task to Microsoft To Do with several categories.

m365 todo task set --title "New task" --listName "My task list" --categories "Red category,Important"

Update a task to Microsoft To Do with a start date and set a reminder for the task.

m365 todo task set --title "New task" --listName "My task list" --startDateTime "2023-12-16T18:28:48.6964197Z" --isReminderOn true


"importance": "high",
"isReminderOn": true,
"status": "notStarted",
"title": "Update doco",
"createdDateTime": "2022-10-29T11:03:20.9175176Z",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2022-10-30T14:07:03.0718199Z",
"hasAttachments": false,
"categories": [],
"body": {
"content": "I should not forget this",
"contentType": "text"
"dueDateTime": {
"dateTime": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.0000000",
"timeZone": "UTC"
"reminderDateTime": {
"dateTime": "2023-01-01T12:00:00.0000000",
"timeZone": "UTC"