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viva engage network list

Returns a list of networks to which the current user has access


m365 viva engage network list [options]



Include the networks in which the user is suspended

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.



In order to use this command, you need to grant the Microsoft Entra application used by the CLI for Microsoft 365 the permission to the Viva Engage API. To do this, execute the cli consent --service VivaEngage command.


Returns the current user's networks

m365 viva engage network list

Returns the current user's networks including the networks in which the user is suspended

m365 viva engage network list --includeSuspended


"type": "network",
"id": 5897756673,
"email": "",
"name": "Contoso",
"community": false,
"permalink": "",
"web_url": "",
"show_upgrade_banner": false,
"header_background_color": "#396B9A",
"header_text_color": "#FFFFFF",
"navigation_background_color": "#38699F",
"navigation_text_color": "#FFFFFF",
"paid": true,
"moderated": false,
"is_freemium": false,
"is_org_chart_enabled": false,
"is_group_enabled": true,
"is_chat_enabled": true,
"is_translation_enabled": false,
"created_at": "2020/02/26 10:33:56 +0000",
"is_storyline_enabled": true,
"is_storyline_preview_enabled": false,
"is_stories_enabled": true,
"is_stories_preview_enabled": false,
"is_premium_preview_enabled": false,
"profile_fields_config": {
"enable_work_history": true,
"enable_education": true,
"enable_job_title": true,
"enable_work_phone": true,
"enable_mobile_phone": true,
"enable_summary": true,
"enable_interests": true,
"enable_expertise": true,
"enable_location": true,
"enable_im": true,
"enable_skype": true,
"enable_websites": true
"browser_deprecation_url": null,
"external_messaging_state": "disabled",
"state": "enabled",
"enforce_office_authentication": true,
"office_authentication_committed": true,
"is_gif_shortcut_enabled": true,
"is_link_preview_enabled": true,
"attachments_in_private_messages": false,
"secret_groups": false,
"force_connected_groups": true,
"force_spo_files": false,
"connected_all_company": true,
"m365_native_mode": true,
"force_optin_modern_client": false,
"admin_modern_client_flexible_optin": false,
"aad_guests_enabled": false,
"all_company_group_creation_state": null,
"unseen_message_count": -1,
"preferred_unseen_message_count": -1,
"private_unseen_thread_count": 0,
"inbox_unseen_thread_count": 0,
"private_unread_thread_count": 0,
"unseen_notification_count": 0,
"has_fake_email": false,
"is_primary": true,
"allow_attachments": true,
"attachment_types_allowed": "ALL",
"privacy_link": ""