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List all tabs in Microsoft Teams teams in the tenant

Inspired by: Patrick Lamber and Veronique Lengelle

List all tabs in Microsoft Teams teams in the tenant and exports the results in a CSV.

$fileExportPath = "<PUTYOURPATHHERE.csv>"
$m365Status = m365 status --output text
if ($m365Status -eq "Logged Out") {
# Connection to Microsoft 365
m365 login
$results = @()
$allTeams = m365 teams team list -o json | ConvertFrom-Json
$teamCount = $allTeams.Count
Write-Host "Processing $teamCount teams..."
#Loop through each Team
$counter = 0
foreach ($team in $allTeams) {
Write-Host "Processing $($team.displayName)... ($counter/$teamCount)"
$allChannels = m365 teams channel list --teamId $ -o json | ConvertFrom-Json

#Loop through each Channel
foreach ($channel in $allChannels) {
$allTabs = m365 teams tab list --teamId $ --channelId $ -o json | ConvertFrom-Json

#Loop through each Tab + get the info!
foreach ($tab in $allTabs) {
$results += [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
TeamId = $
TeamDisplayName = $team.displayName
TeamIsArchived = $team.isArchived
TeamVisibility = $team.visibility
ChannelId = $
ChannelDisplayName = $channel.DisplayName
ChannelMemberShipType = $channel.membershipType
TabId = $
TabNameDisplayName = $tab.DisplayName
TeamsAppTabId = $
Write-Host "Exporting file to $fileExportPath.."
$results | Export-Csv -Path $fileExportPath -NoTypeInformation
Write-Host "Completed."