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Removes Microsoft Teams personal app from users and Microsoft Teams app catalog

Author: Sébastien Levert

Uninstalls an app from the specified users and / or unpublish it from the Microsoft Teams app catalog based on the App Id available in the manifest.json of the Teams app.

Removes an app from the personal scope of a set of users
.\Remove-PersonalApp.ps1 -AppId "2dbace6f-3f3b-4779-9e3f-bb4d27c403fe" -Unpublish -Uninstall -CurrentUser
.\Remove-PersonalApp.ps1 -AppId "2dbace6f-3f3b-4779-9e3f-bb4d27c403fe" -Unpublish -Uninstall -CurrentUser -Users @("", "")
.\Remove-PersonalApp.ps1 -AppId "2dbace6f-3f3b-4779-9e3f-bb4d27c403fe" -Unpublish
GUID of the Microsoft Teams app. Is the same "id" you can find in the manifest.json from your Microsoft Teams app.
Array of string representing the usernames of the users to deploy the Microsoft Teams app to.
.PARAMETER CurrentUser
Switch allowing to Install the app for the current user

$m365Status = m365 status --output text

if ($m365Status -eq "Logged Out") {
# Connection to Microsoft 365
m365 login

# Validating that the app is not already in the store
$app = m365 teams app list --query "[?externalId == '$AppId']" -o json | ConvertFrom-Json

if ($app.Length -gt 0) {
if ($Uninstall) {
if ($CurrentUser) {
# Getting the reference of the currently connected user
$user = m365 entra user get --id "@meId" -o json | ConvertFrom-Json

if ($user) {
$Users += $user.userPrincipalName

if ($Users.Length -gt 0) {
$Users | ForEach-Object {
$user = m365 entra user get --userName $_ -o json | ConvertFrom-Json
$userApp = m365 teams user app list --userId $ --query "[?appId == '$($']" -o json | ConvertFrom-Json

if ($userApp) {
# Removing the app from the personal apps of the specified user
m365 teams user app remove --appId $ --userId $ --force
Write-Host "The App '$($app.displayName)' with ID '$($' was removed for user '$($user.userPrincipalName)'."
else {
Write-Warning "The App '$($app.displayName)' with ID '$($' is not installed for user '$($user.userPrincipalName)'."

if ($Unpublish) {
# Removing the app from the app catalog
m365 teams app remove --id $ --force
Write-Host "The App '$($app.displayName)' with ID '$($' was removed from the app catalog."
else {
Write-Warning "The App with ID '$AppId' does not exist."