List Microsoft Teams teams, channels, and tabs in the tenant
Inspired by: Veronique Lengelle
- PowerShell
List Microsoft Teams teams information.
This script will list some information about each Teams, channels, and tabs within the tenant. Does not include private channels.
PS C:\> Get-TeamsInfoForTenant.ps1
This script will list some information about each Teams, channels, and tabs within the tenant
Inputs (if any)
Output (if any)
Does not include private channels.
#Declare variables
$exportFile = "<YOUR_PATH>"
$allTeams = m365 teams team list -o json | ConvertFrom-Json
$results = @()
foreach($team in $allTeams){
$allChannels = m365 teams channel list --teamId $team.Id -o json | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach($channel in $allChannels){
$allTabs = m365 teams tab list --teamId $team.Id --channelId $channel.Id -o json | ConvertFrom-Json
# Get the Teams information
foreach($tab in $allTabs){
$results += [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
TeamID = $team.Id
Team = $team.DisplayName
ArchiveStatus = $team.isArchived
ChannelName = $channel.DisplayName
TabName = $tab.DisplayName
$results | Export-Csv -Path $exportFile -NoTypeInformation