List all Microsoft Teams team's Owners and Members
Author: Patrick Lamber
This script allows you to list all Teams team's owners and members and export them into a CSV file. This script is inspired by Robin Clarke.
- PowerShell
$fileExportPath = "<PUTYOURPATHHERE.csv>"
# process teams that you have joined only
$joined = $false
$m365Status = m365 status --output text
if ($m365Status -eq "Logged Out") {
# Connection to Microsoft 365
m365 login
# configure the CLI to output JSON on each execution
m365 cli config set --key output --value json
$exportData = @()
$teams = m365 teams team list --joined $joined | ConvertFrom-Json
# you can use the next line if you already know the GroupId/TeamId
#$teams = @(m365 teams team get --id $teamId | ConvertFrom-Json)
$i = 0
$teams | ForEach-Object {
$team = $_
Write-Host "Processing Team '$($team.displayName)' - ($i/$($teams.length))"
$owners = $null
$owners = m365 teams user list --teamId $ --role Owner --query "[].userPrincipalName" | ConvertFrom-Json
$members = $null
$members = m365 teams user list --teamId $ --role Member --query "[].userPrincipalName" | ConvertFrom-Json
$exportData += [PSCustomObject]@{ Id = $; DisplayName = $team.displayName; Owners = $owners -join ', '; Members = $members -join ', '}
Write-Host "Exporting file to $fileExportPath..."
$exportData | Export-Csv -Path $fileExportPath -NoTypeInformation
Write-Host "Completed."