Share social champions to Teams
Author: Albert-Jan Schot Inspired by: Emily Mancini
Retrieves activities for SharePoint Online, Teams and Viva Engage and shares the top 3 contributors for each category as an adaptive card to the specified webhook url.
As of September 1st 2021 reports pseudonymize user-level information. In order to use the user display name make sure to disable this option to provide the report with the UPN value Privacy changes to Microsoft 365 Usage Analytics. Without changing this value the sample will work but will return a hashed value that is not recognizable.
- PowerShell
$m365Status = m365 status --output text
if ($m365Status -eq "Logged Out") {
# Connection to Microsoft 365
m365 login
$webhookUrl = "<PUTYOURURLHERE>"
# Send top 3 for SharePoint based on file actions.
$activityUsers = m365 spo report activityuserdetail --period D7 --output json --query 'reverse(sort_by(@, &\"Viewed Or Edited File Count\")) | [0:3].\"User Principal Name\"' | ConvertFrom-Json
$title = "SharePoint Weekly Social Champions"
$card = '{ \"type\": \"AdaptiveCard\", \"$schema\": \"\", \"version\": \"1.2\", \"body\": [ { \"type\": \"TextBlock\", \"text\": \"'+$($title)+'\", \"wrap\": true, \"size\": \"Medium\", \"weight\": \"Bolder\", \"color\": \"Attention\" }, { \"type\": \"TextBlock\", \"wrap\": true, \"text\": \"Week '+$(get-date -UFormat %V)+'\", \"fontType\": \"Default\", \"size\": \"Small\", \"weight\": \"Lighter\", \"isSubtle\": true }, { \"type\": \"FactSet\", \"facts\": [ { \"title\": \"First place\", \"value\": \"'+$($activityUsers[0])+'\" }, { \"title\": \"Second place\", \"value\": \"'+$($activityUsers[1])+'\" }, { \"title\": \"Third place\", \"value\": \"'+$($activityUsers[2])+'\" } ] } ] }'
m365 adaptivecard send --url $webhookUrl --card $card
# Send top 3 for Teams based on chat messages
$activityUsers = m365 teams report useractivityuserdetail --period D7 --output json --query 'reverse(sort_by(@, &\"Team Chat Message Count\")) | [0:3].\"User Principal Name\"' | ConvertFrom-Json
$title = "Teams Weekly Social Champions"
$card = '{ \"type\": \"AdaptiveCard\", \"$schema\": \"\", \"version\": \"1.2\", \"body\": [ { \"type\": \"TextBlock\", \"text\": \"'+$($title)+'\", \"wrap\": true, \"size\": \"Medium\", \"weight\": \"Bolder\", \"color\": \"Attention\" }, { \"type\": \"TextBlock\", \"wrap\": true, \"text\": \"Week '+$(get-date -UFormat %V)+'\", \"fontType\": \"Default\", \"size\": \"Small\", \"weight\": \"Lighter\", \"isSubtle\": true }, { \"type\": \"FactSet\", \"facts\": [ { \"title\": \"First place\", \"value\": \"'+$($activityUsers[0])+'\" }, { \"title\": \"Second place\", \"value\": \"'+$($activityUsers[1])+'\" }, { \"title\": \"Third place\", \"value\": \"'+$($activityUsers[2])+'\" } ] } ] }'
m365 adaptivecard send --url $webhookUrl --card $card
# Send top 3 for Viva Engage based on posts
$activityUsers = m365 viva engage report activityuserdetail --period D7 --output json --query 'reverse(sort_by(@, &\"Posted Count\")) | [0:3].\"User Principal Name\"' | ConvertFrom-Json
$title = "Viva Engage Weekly Social Champions"
$card = '{ \"type\": \"AdaptiveCard\", \"$schema\": \"\", \"version\": \"1.2\", \"body\": [ { \"type\": \"TextBlock\", \"text\": \"'+$($title)+'\", \"wrap\": true, \"size\": \"Medium\", \"weight\": \"Bolder\", \"color\": \"Attention\" }, { \"type\": \"TextBlock\", \"wrap\": true, \"text\": \"Week '+$(get-date -UFormat %V)+'\", \"fontType\": \"Default\", \"size\": \"Small\", \"weight\": \"Lighter\", \"isSubtle\": true }, { \"type\": \"FactSet\", \"facts\": [ { \"title\": \"First place\", \"value\": \"'+$($activityUsers[0])+'\" }, { \"title\": \"Second place\", \"value\": \"'+$($activityUsers[1])+'\" }, { \"title\": \"Third place\", \"value\": \"'+$($activityUsers[2])+'\" } ] } ] }'
m365 adaptivecard send --url $webhookUrl --card $card