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The profile services allows you to work with the SharePoint User Profile Store.


Profiles is accessed directly from the root sp object.

import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/profiles";
editProfileLink(): Promise<string>
const editProfileLink = await sp.profiles.editProfileLink();
console.log("My edit profile link =" + editProfileLink);

Is My People List Public

Provides a boolean that indicates if the current users "People I'm Following" list is public or not

isMyPeopleListPublic(): Promise<boolean>
const isPublic = await sp.profiles.isMyPeopleListPublic();
console.log("Is my Following list Public =" + isPubic);

Find out if the current user is followed by another user

Provides a boolean that indicates if the current users is followed by a specific user.

amIFollowedBy(loginName: string): Promise<boolean>
const loginName = "i:0#.f|membership|";
const isFollowedBy = await sp.profiles.amIFollowedBy(loginName);
console.log("Is " + loginName + " following me? " + isFollowedBy);

Find out if I am following a specific user

Provides a boolean that indicates if the current users is followed by a specific user.

amIFollowing(loginName: string): Promise<boolean>
const loginName = "i:0#.f|membership|";
const following = await sp.profiles.amIFollowing(loginName);
console.log("Am I following " + loginName + "? " + following);

Get the tags I follow

Gets the tags the current user is following. Accepts max count, default is 20.

getFollowedTags(maxCount = 20): Promise<string[]>
const tags = await sp.profiles.getFollowedTags();

Get followers for a specific user

Gets the people who are following the specified user.

getFollowersFor(loginName: string): Promise<any[]>
const loginName = "i:0#.f|membership|";
const followers = await sp.profiles.getFollowersFor(loginName);
followers.forEach((value) => {

Get followers for the current

Gets the people who are following the current user.

myFollowers(): ISharePointQueryableCollection
const folowers = await sp.profiles.myFollowers();

Get the properties for the current user

Gets user properties for the current user.

myProperties(): _SharePointQueryableInstance
const profile = await sp.profiles.myProperties();

// Properties are stored in Key/Value pairs,
// so parse into an object called userProperties
var props = {};
profile.UserProfileProperties.forEach((prop) => {
  props[prop.Key] = prop.Value;
profile.userProperties = props;
console.log("Account Name: " + profile.userProperties.AccountName);

Gets people specified user is following

getPeopleFollowedBy(loginName: string): Promise<any[]>
const loginName = "i:0#.f|membership|";
const folowers = await sp.profiles.getFollowersFor(loginName);
followers.forEach((value) => {

Gets properties for a specified user

getPropertiesFor(loginName: string): Promise<any>
const loginName = "i:0#.f|membership|";
const profile = await sp.profiles.getPropertiesFor(loginName);

// Properties are stored in inconvenient Key/Value pairs,
// so parse into an object called userProperties
var props = {};
profile.UserProfileProperties.forEach((prop) => {
  props[prop.Key] = prop.Value;

profile.userProperties = props;
console.log("Account Name: " + profile.userProperties.AccountName);

Gets the 20 most popular hash tags over the past week, sorted so that the most popular tag appears first

trendingTags(): Promise<IHashTagCollection>
const tags = await sp.profiles.trendingTags();
tags.Items.forEach((tag) => {

Gets specified user profile property for the specified user

getUserProfilePropertyFor(loginName: string, propertyName: string): Promise<string>
const loginName = "i:0#.f|membership|";
const propertyName = "AccountName";
const property = await sp.profiles.getUserProfilePropertyFor(loginName, propertyName);

Hide specific user from list of suggested people

Removes the specified user from the user's list of suggested people to follow.

hideSuggestion(loginName: string): Promise<void>
const loginName = "i:0#.f|membership|";
await sp.profiles.hideSuggestion(loginName);

Is one user following another

Indicates whether the first user is following the second user. First parameter is the account name of the user who might be following the followee. Second parameter is the account name of the user who might be followed by the follower.

isFollowing(follower: string, followee: string): Promise<boolean>
const follower = "i:0#.f|membership|";
const followee = "i:0#.f|membership|";
const isFollowing = await sp.profiles.isFollowing(follower, followee);

Set User Profile Picture

Uploads and sets the user profile picture (Users can upload a picture to their own profile only). Not supported for batching. Accepts the profilePicSource Blob data representing the user's picture in BMP, JPEG, or PNG format of up to 4.76MB.

setMyProfilePic(profilePicSource: Blob): Promise<void>
import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/webs";
import "@pnp/sp/lists/web";
import "@pnp/sp/profiles";
import "@pnp/sp/folders";
import "@pnp/sp/files";

// get the blob object through a request or from a file input
const blob = await sp.web.lists.getByTitle("Documents").rootFolder.files.getByName("profile.jpg").getBlob();

await sp.profiles.setMyProfilePic(blob);

Sets single value User Profile property

accountName The account name of the user propertyName Property name propertyValue Property value

setSingleValueProfileProperty(accountName: string, propertyName: string, propertyValue: string): Promise<void>
const loginName = "i:0#.f|membership|";
await sp.profiles.setSingleValueProfileProperty(loginName, "CellPhone", "(123) 555-1212");

Sets a mult-value User Profile property

accountName The account name of the user propertyName Property name propertyValues Property values

setMultiValuedProfileProperty(accountName: string, propertyName: string, propertyValues: string[]): Promise<void>
const loginName = "i:0#.f|membership|";
const propertyName = "SPS-Skills";
const propertyValues = ["SharePoint", "Office 365", "Architecture", "Azure"];
await sp.profiles.setMultiValuedProfileProperty(loginName, propertyName, propertyValues);
const profile = await sp.profiles.getPropertiesFor(loginName);
var props = {};
profile.UserProfileProperties.forEach((prop) => {
  props[prop.Key] = prop.Value;
profile.userProperties = props;

Create Personal Site for specified users

Provisions one or more users' personal sites. (My Site administrator on SharePoint Online only) Emails The email addresses of the users to provision sites for

createPersonalSiteEnqueueBulk(...emails: string[]): Promise<void>
let userEmails: string[] = ["", ""];
await sp.profiles.createPersonalSiteEnqueueBulk(userEmails);

Get the user profile of the owner for the current site

ownerUserProfile(): Promise<IUserProfile>
const profile = await sp.profiles.ownerUserProfile();

Get the user profile of the current user

userProfile(): Promise<any>
const profile = await sp.profiles.userProfile();

Create personal site for current user

createPersonalSite(interactiveRequest = false): Promise<void>
await sp.profiles.createPersonalSite();

Make all profile data public or private

Set the privacy settings for all social data.

shareAllSocialData(share: boolean): Promise<void>
await sp.profiles.shareAllSocialData(true);

Resolve a user or group

Resolves user or group using specified query parameters

clientPeoplePickerResolveUser(queryParams: IClientPeoplePickerQueryParameters): Promise<IPeoplePickerEntity>
const result = await sp.profiles.clientPeoplePickerSearchUser({
  AllowEmailAddresses: true,
  AllowMultipleEntities: false,
  MaximumEntitySuggestions: 25,
  QueryString: 'John'

Search a user or group

Searches for users or groups using specified query parameters

clientPeoplePickerSearchUser(queryParams: IClientPeoplePickerQueryParameters): Promise<IPeoplePickerEntity[]>
const result = await sp.profiles.clientPeoplePickerSearchUser({
  AllowEmailAddresses: true,
  AllowMultipleEntities: false,
  MaximumEntitySuggestions: 25,
  QueryString: 'John'