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Webs are one of the fundamental entry points when working with SharePoint. Webs serve as a container for lists, features, sub-webs, and all of the entity types.


Invokable Banner Selective Imports Banner

Scenario Import Statement
Selective 1 import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import { Webs, IWebs } from "@pnp/sp/webs";
Selective 2 import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/webs";
Preset: All import { sp, Webs, IWebs } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all";
Preset: Core import { sp, Webs, IWebs } from "@pnp/sp/presets/core";

Add Web

Using the library you can add a web to another web's collection of subwebs. The simplest usage requires only a title and url. This will result in a team site with all of the default settings. You can also provide other settings such as description, template, language, and inherit permissions.

import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import { IWebAddResult } from "@pnp/sp/webs";

const result = await sp.web.webs.add("title", "subweb1");

// show the response from the server when adding the web

// we can immediately operate on the new web"Title")().then((w: IWebAddResult)  => {

    // show our title
import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import { IWebAddResult } from "@pnp/sp/webs";

// create a German language wiki site with title, url, description, which does not inherit permissions
sp.web.webs.add("wiki", "subweb2", "a wiki web", "WIKI#0", 1031, false).then((w: IWebAddResult) => {

  // ...


Invokable Banner Selective Imports Banner

Scenario Import Statement
Selective 1 import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import { Web, IWeb } from "@pnp/sp/webs";
Selective 2 import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/webs";
Preset: All import { sp, Web, IWeb } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all";
Preset: Core import { sp, Web, IWeb } from "@pnp/sp/presets/core";

Access a Web

There are several ways to access a web instance, each of these methods is equivalent in that you will have an IWeb instance to work with. All of the examples below use a variable named "web" which represents an IWeb instance - regardless of how it was initially accessed.

Access the web from the imported "sp" object using selective import:

import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/webs";

const r = await sp.web();

Access the web from the imported "sp" using the 'all' preset

import { sp } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all";

const r = await sp.web();

Access the web from the imported "sp" using the 'core' preset

import { sp } from "@pnp/sp/presets/core";

const r = await sp.web();

Create a web instance using the factory function

import { Web } from "@pnp/sp/webs";

const web = Web("");
const r = await web();


Access the child webs collection of this web

const webs = web.webs();

Get A Web's properties

// basic get of the webs properties
const props = await web();

// use odata operators to get specific fields
const props2 = await"Title")();

// type the result to match what you are requesting
const props3 = await"Title")<{ Title: string }>();


Get the data and IWeb instance for the parent web for the given web instance

import { IOpenWebByIdResult } from "@pnp/sp/sites";
const web: IOpenWebByIdResult = web.getParentWeb();


Returns a collection of objects that contain metadata about subsites of the current site in which the current user is a member.

const subWebs = await web.getSubwebsFilteredForCurrentUser()();

// apply odata operations to the collection
const subWebs2 = await sp.web.getSubwebsFilteredForCurrentUser().select("Title", "Language").orderBy("Created", true)();

Note: getSubwebsFilteredForCurrentUser returns IWebInfosData which is a subset of all the available fields on IWebInfo.


Allows access to the web's all properties collection. This is readonly in REST.

const props = await web.allProperties();

// select certain props
const props2 = await"prop1", "prop2")();


Gets a collection of WebInfos for this web's subwebs

const infos = await web.webinfos();

// or select certain fields
const infos2 = await"Title", "Description")();

// or filter
const infos3 = await web.webinfos.filter("Title eq 'MyWebTitle'")();

// or both
const infos4 = await"Title", "Description").filter("Title eq 'MyWebTitle'")();

// get the top 4 ordered by Title
const infos5 = await"Title")();

Note: webinfos returns IWebInfosData which is a subset of all the available fields on IWebInfo.


Updates this web instance with the supplied properties

// update the web's title and description
const result = await web.update({
    Title: "New Title",
    Description: "My new description",

// a project implementation could wrap the update to provide type information for your expected fields:
import { IWebUpdateResult } from "@pnp/sp/webs";

interface IWebUpdateProps {
    Title: string;
    Description: string;

function updateWeb(props: IWebUpdateProps): Promise<IWebUpdateResult> {

Delete a Web

await web.delete();


Applies the theme specified by the contents of each of the files specified in the arguments to the site

import { combine } from "@pnp/core";

// we are going to apply the theme to this sub web as an example
const web = Web("https://{tenant}");

// the urls to the color and font need to both be from the catalog at the root
// these urls can be constants or calculated from existing urls
const colorUrl =  combine("/", "sites/dev", "_catalogs/theme/15/palette011.spcolor");
// this gives us the same result
const fontUrl = "/sites/dev/_catalogs/theme/15/fontscheme007.spfont";

// apply the font and color, no background image, and don't share this theme
await web.applyTheme(colorUrl, fontUrl, "", false);

applyWebTemplate & availableWebTemplates

Applies the specified site definition or site template to the Web site that has no template applied to it. This is seldom used outside provisioning scenarios.

const templates = (await web.availableWebTemplates().select("Name")<{ Name: string }[]>()).filter(t => /ENTERWIKI#0/i.test(t.Name));

// apply the wiki template
const template = templates.length > 0 ? templates[0].Name : "STS#0";

await web.applyWebTemplate(template);


Returns the collection of changes from the change log that have occurred within the web, based on the specified query.

// get the web changes including add, update, and delete
const changes = await web.getChanges({
        Add: true,
        ChangeTokenEnd: null,
        ChangeTokenStart: null,
        DeleteObject: true,
        Update: true,
        Web: true,


Returns the name of the image file for the icon that is used to represent the specified file

import { combine } from "@pnp/core";

const iconFileName = await web.mapToIcon("test.docx");
// iconPath === "icdocx.png"
// which you can need to map to a real url
const iconFullPath = `https://{tenant}${iconFileName}`;

// OR dynamically
const webData = await"Url")();
const iconFullPath2 = combine(webData.Url, "_layouts", "images", iconFileName);

// OR within SPFx using the context
const iconFullPath3 = combine(this.context.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl, "_layouts", "images", iconFileName);

// You can also set size
// 16x16 pixels = 0, 32x32 pixels = 1
const icon32FileName = await web.mapToIcon("test.docx", 1);

storage entities

import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/appcatalog";
import { IStorageEntity } from "@pnp/sp/webs";

// needs to be unique, GUIDs are great
const key = "my-storage-key";

// read an existing entity
const entity: IStorageEntity = await web.getStorageEntity(key);

// setStorageEntity and removeStorageEntity must be called in the context of the tenant app catalog site
// you can get the tenant app catalog using the getTenantAppCatalogWeb
const tenantAppCatalogWeb = await sp.getTenantAppCatalogWeb();

tenantAppCatalogWeb.setStorageEntity(key, "new value");

// set other properties
tenantAppCatalogWeb.setStorageEntity(key, "another value", "description", "comments");

const entity2: IStorageEntity = await web.getStorageEntity(key);
entity2 === {
    Value: "another value",
    Comment: "comments";
    Description: "description",

// you can also remove a storage entity
await tenantAppCatalogWeb.removeStorageEntity(key);

appcatalog imports

Scenario Import Statement
Selective 1 import "@pnp/sp/appcatalog";
Selective 2 import "@pnp/sp/appcatalog/web";
Preset: All import { sp } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all";


Returns this web as an IAppCatalog instance or creates a new IAppCatalog instance from the provided url.

import { IApp } from "@pnp/sp/appcatalog";

const appWeb = web.getAppCatalog();
// appWeb url === web url

const app: IApp = appWeb.getAppById("{your app id}");

const appWeb2 = web.getAppCatalog("");
// appWeb2 url === ""

client-side-pages imports

Scenario Import Statement
Selective 1 import "@pnp/sp/client-side-pages";
Selective 2 import "@pnp/sp/client-side-pages/web";
Preset: All import { sp, Web, IWeb } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all";

You can create and load clientside page instances directly from a web. More details on working with clientside pages are available in the dedicated article.

import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/webs";
import "@pnp/sp/clientside-pages/web";

// simplest add a page example
const page = await sp.web.addClientsidePage("mypage1");

// simplest load a page example
const page = await sp.web.loadClientsidePage("/sites/dev/sitepages/mypage3.aspx");

content-type imports

Scenario Import Statement
Selective 1 import "@pnp/sp/content-types";
Selective 2 import "@pnp/sp/content-types/web";
Preset: All import { sp } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all";


Allows access to the collection of content types in this web.

const cts = await web.contentTypes();

// you can also select fields and use other odata operators
const cts2 = await"Name")();

features imports

Scenario Import Statement
Selective 1 import "@pnp/sp/features";
Selective 2 import "@pnp/sp/features/web";
Preset: All import { sp } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all";


Allows access to the collection of content types in this web.

const features = await web.features();

fields imports

Scenario Import Statement
Selective 1 import "@pnp/sp/fields";
Selective 2 import "@pnp/sp/fields/web";
Preset: All import { sp } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all";


Allows access to the collection of fields in this web.

const fields = await web.fields();

files imports

Scenario Import Statement
Selective 1 import "@pnp/sp/files";
Selective 2 import "@pnp/sp/files/web";
Preset: All import { sp } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all";


Gets a file by server relative url

import { IFile } from "@pnp/sp/files";

const file: IFile = web.getFileByServerRelativeUrl("/sites/dev/library/myfile.docx");


Gets a file by server relative url if your file name contains # and % characters

import { IFile } from "@pnp/sp/files";

const file: IFile = web.getFileByServerRelativePath("/sites/dev/library/my # file%.docx");

folders imports

Scenario Import Statement
Selective 1 import "@pnp/sp/folders";
Selective 2 import "@pnp/sp/folders/web";
Preset: All import { sp } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all";


Gets the collection of folders in this web

const folders = await web.folders();

// you can also filter and select as with any collection
const folders2 = await"ServerRelativeUrl", "TimeLastModified").filter("ItemCount gt 0")();

// or get the most recently modified folder
const folders2 = await web.folders.orderBy("TimeLastModified").top(1)();


Gets the root folder of the web

const folder = await web.rootFolder();


Gets a folder by server relative url

import { IFolder } from "@pnp/sp/folders";

const folder: IFolder = web.getFolderByServerRelativeUrl("/sites/dev/library");


Gets a folder by server relative url if your folder name contains # and % characters

import { IFolder } from "@pnp/sp/folders";

const folder: IFolder = web.getFolderByServerRelativePath("/sites/dev/library/my # folder%/");

hubsites imports

Scenario Import Statement
Selective 1 import "@pnp/sp/hubsites";
Selective 2 import "@pnp/sp/hubsites/web";
Preset: All import { sp } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all";


Gets hub site data for the current web

import { IHubSiteWebData } from "@pnp/sp/hubsites";

// get the data and force a refresh
const data: IHubSiteWebData = await web.hubSiteData(true);


Applies theme updates from the parent hub site collection

await web.syncHubSiteTheme();

lists imports

Scenario Import Statement
Selective 1 import "@pnp/sp/lists";
Selective 2 import "@pnp/sp/lists/web";
Preset: All import { sp } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all";
Preset: Core import { sp } from "@pnp/sp/presets/core";


Gets the collection of all lists that are contained in the Web site

import { ILists } from "@pnp/sp/lists";

const lists: ILists = web.lists;

// you can always order the lists and select properties
const data = await"Title").orderBy("Title")();

// and use other odata operators as well
const data2 = await"LastItemModifiedDate")();


Gets the UserInfo list of the site collection that contains the Web site

import { IList } from "@pnp/sp/lists";

const list: IList = web.siteUserInfoList;

const data = await list();

// or chain off that list to get additional details
const items = await;


Get a reference the default documents library of a web

import { IList } from "@pnp/sp/lists";

const list: IList = web.defaultDocumentLibrary;


Gets the collection of all list definitions and list templates that are available

import { IList } from "@pnp/sp/lists";

const templates = await web.customListTemplates();

// odata operators chain off the collection as expected
const templates2 = await"Title")();


Gets a list by server relative url (list's root folder)

import { IList } from "@pnp/sp/lists";

const list: IList = web.getList("/sites/dev/lists/test");

const listData = list();


Returns the list gallery on the site

Name Value
WebTemplateCatalog 111
WebPartCatalog 113
ListTemplateCatalog 114
MasterPageCatalog 116
SolutionCatalog 121
ThemeCatalog 123
DesignCatalog 124
AppDataCatalog 125
import { IList } from "@pnp/sp/lists";

const templateCatalog: IList = await web.getCatalog(111);

const themeCatalog: IList = await web.getCatalog(123);
Scenario Import Statement
Selective 1 import "@pnp/sp/navigation";
Selective 2 import "@pnp/sp/navigation/web";
Preset: All import { sp } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all";

Gets a navigation object that represents navigation on the Web site, including the Quick Launch area and the top navigation bar

import { INavigation } from "@pnp/sp/navigation";

const nav: INavigation = web.navigation;

const navData = await nav();

regional-settings imports

Scenario Import Statement
Selective 1 import "@pnp/sp/regional-settings";
Selective 2 import "@pnp/sp/regional-settings/web";
Preset: All import { sp } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all";
import { IRegionalSettings } from "@pnp/sp/navigation";

const settings: IRegionalSettings = web.regionalSettings;

const settingsData = await settings();
Scenario Import Statement
Selective 1 import "@pnp/sp/related-items";
Selective 2 import "@pnp/sp/related-items/web";
Preset: All import { sp } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all";
import { IRelatedItemManager, IRelatedItem } from "@pnp/sp/related-items";

const manager: IRelatedItemManager = web.relatedItems;

const data: IRelatedItem[] = await manager.getRelatedItems("{list name}", 4);

security imports

Please see information around the available security methods in the security article.

sharing imports

Please see information around the available sharing methods in the sharing article.

site-groups imports

Scenario Import Statement
Selective 1 import "@pnp/sp/site-groups";
Selective 2 import "@pnp/sp/site-groups/web";
Preset: All import { sp } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all";


The site groups

const groups = await web.siteGroups();

const groups2 = await;


The web's owner group

const group = await web.associatedOwnerGroup();

const users = await web.associatedOwnerGroup.users();


The web's member group

const group = await web.associatedMemberGroup();

const users = await web.associatedMemberGroup.users();


The web's visitor group

const group = await web.associatedVisitorGroup();

const users = await web.associatedVisitorGroup.users();


Creates the default associated groups (Members, Owners, Visitors) and gives them the default permissions on the site. The target site must have unique permissions and no associated members / owners / visitors groups

await web.createDefaultAssociatedGroups("Contoso", "{first owner login}");

// copy the role assignments
await web.createDefaultAssociatedGroups("Contoso", "{first owner login}", true);

// don't clear sub assignments
await web.createDefaultAssociatedGroups("Contoso", "{first owner login}", false, false);

// specify secondary owner, don't copy permissions, clear sub scopes
await web.createDefaultAssociatedGroups("Contoso", "{first owner login}", false, true, "{second owner login}");

site-users imports

Scenario Import Statement
Selective 1 import "@pnp/sp/site-users";
Selective 2 import "@pnp/sp/site-users/web";
Preset: All import { sp } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all";


The site users

const users = await web.siteUsers();

const users2 = await;

const users3 = await web.siteUsers.filter(`startswith(LoginName, '${encodeURIComponent("i:0#.f|m")}')`)();


Information on the current user

const user = await web.currentUser();

// check the login name of the current user
const user2 = await"LoginName")();


Checks whether the specified login name belongs to a valid user in the web. If the user doesn't exist, adds the user to the web

import { IWebEnsureUserResult } from "@pnp/sp/site-users/";

const result: IWebEnsureUserResult = await web.ensureUser("i:0#.f|membership|");


Returns the user corresponding to the specified member identifier for the current web

import { ISiteUser } from "@pnp/sp/site-users/";

const user: ISiteUser = web.getUserById(23);

const userData = await user();

const userData2 = await"LoginName")();

user-custom-actions imports

Scenario Import Statement
Selective 1 import "@pnp/sp/user-custom-actions";
Selective 2 import "@pnp/sp/user-custom-actions/web";
Preset: All import { sp } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all";


Gets a newly refreshed collection of the SPWeb's SPUserCustomActionCollection

import { IUserCustomActions } from "@pnp/sp/user-custom-actions";

const actions: IUserCustomActions = web.userCustomActions;

const actionsData = await actions();


Some web operations return a subset of web information defined by the IWebInfosData interface, shown below. In those cases only these fields are available for select, orderby, and other odata operations.

interface IWebInfosData {
    Configuration: number;
    Created: string;
    Description: string;
    Id: string;
    Language: number;
    LastItemModifiedDate: string;
    LastItemUserModifiedDate: string;
    ServerRelativeUrl: string;
    Title: string;
    WebTemplate: string;
    WebTemplateId: number;