pp card get
Gets a specific Microsoft Power Platform card in the specified Power Platform environment
m365 pp card get [options]
-e, --environmentName <environmentName>
The name of the environment.
-i, --id [id]
The id of the card. Specify either
but not both.-n, --name [name]
The name of the card. Specify either
but not both.--asAdmin
Run the command as admin for environments you do not have explicitly assigned permissions to.
-h, --help [help]
Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are
. Default isoptions
.--query [query]
JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.
-o, --output [output]
Output type.
. Defaultjson
Runs command with verbose logging.
Runs command with debug logging.
Get a specific card in a specific environment based on name.
m365 pp card get --environmentName "Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5" --name "CLI 365 Card"
Get a specific card in a specific environment based on name as admin.
m365 pp card get --environmentName "Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5" --name "CLI 365 Card" --asAdmin
Get a specific card in a specific environment based on id.
m365 pp card get --environmentName "Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5" --id "408e3f42-4c9e-4c93-8aaf-3cbdea9179aa"
Get a specific card in a specific environment based on id as admin.
m365 pp card get --environmentName "Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5" --id "408e3f42-4c9e-4c93-8aaf-3cbdea9179aa" --asAdmin
- Text
- Markdown
"name":"Tasks List",
"description":" ",
"appdefinition":"{\"screens\":{\"main\":{\"template\":{\"type\":\"AdaptiveCard\",\"body\":[{\"type\":\"TextBlock\",\"size\":\"Medium\",\"weight\":\"bolder\",\"text\":\"Your card title goes here\"},{\"type\":\"TextBlock\",\"text\":\"Add and remove element to customize your new card.\",\"wrap\":true}],\"actions\":[],\"$schema\":\"http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/1.4.0/adaptive-card.json\",\"version\":\"1.4\"},\"verbs\":{\"submit\":\"echo\"}}},\"sampleData\":{\"main\":{}},\"connections\":{},\"variables\":{},\"flows\":{}}",
"fullname":"# John Doe",
cardid : 0eab9392-7354-ed11-bba2-000d3adf774e
createdon : 2022-10-25T14:44:48Z
modifiedon : 2022-10-25T14:44:48Z
name : Tasks List
publishdate: 2022-10-30T16:00:00Z
Tasks List,0eab9392-7354-ed11-bba2-000d3adf774e,2022-10-30T16:00:00Z,2022-10-25T14:44:48Z,2022-10-25T14:44:48Z
# pp card get --environmentName "Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5" --id "0eab9392-7354-ed11-bba2-000d3adf774e"
Date: 9/1/2023
## Tasks List
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