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pp website get

Gets information about the specified Power Pages website.


m365 pp website get [options]


-u, --url [url]

The URL of the website to retrieve. Specify either url, name or id.

-n, --name [name]

The name of the website to retrieve. Specify either url, name or id.

-i, --id [id]

The WebSite Id (GUID) of the website to retrieve. Specify either url, name or id.

-e, --environmentName <environmentName>

The name of the environment from which to retrieve the Power Pages website.

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.


Retrieve Demo Power Pages website by name in the given environment using name.

m365 pp website get --name Demo --environmentName Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 

Retrieve Demo Power Pages website by name in the given environment using id.

m365 pp website get --id 4916bb2c-91e1-4716-91d5-b6171928fac9 --environmentName Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 

Retrieve Demo Power Pages website by name in the given environment using url.

m365 pp website get --url --environmentName Default-d87a7535-dd31-4437-bfe1-95340acd55c5 


"@odata.metadata": "$metadata#Websites",
"id": "4916bb2c-91e1-4716-91d5-b6171928fac9",
"name": "Site 1",
"createdOn": "2024-10-27T12:00:03",
"templateName": "DefaultPortalTemplate",
"websiteUrl": "",
"tenantId": "727dc1e9-3cd1-4d1f-8102-ab5c936e52f0",
"dataverseInstanceUrl": "",
"environmentName": "Contoso (default)",
"environmentId": "Default-727dc1e9-3cd1-4d1f-8102-ab5c936e52f0",
"dataverseOrganizationId": "2d58aeac-74d4-4939-98d1-e05a70a655ba",
"selectedBaseLanguage": 1033,
"customHostNames": [],
"websiteRecordId": "5eb107a6-5ac2-4e1c-a3b9-d5c21bbc10ce",
"subdomain": "site-0uaq9",
"packageInstallStatus": "Installed",
"type": "Trial",
"trialExpiringInDays": 86,
"suspendedWebsiteDeletingInDays": 93,
"packageVersion": "",
"isEarlyUpgradeEnabled": false,
"isCustomErrorEnabled": true,
"applicationUserAadAppId": "3f57aca7-5051-41b2-989d-26da8af7a53e",
"ownerId": "33469a62-c3af-4cfe-b893-854eceab96da",
"status": "OperationComplete",
"siteVisibility": "private",
"dataModel": "Enhanced"