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pp tenant settings set

Sets the global Power Platform configuration of the tenant


m365 pp tenant settings set [options]


--walkMeOptOut [walkMeOptOut]

Ability to opt out of guided experiences using WalkMe in Power Platform. Valid values: true, false.

--disableNPSCommentsReachout [disableNPSCommentsReachout]

Ability to disable re-surveying users who left prior feedback via NPS prompts in Power Platform. Valid values: true, false.

--disableNewsletterSendout [disableNewsletterSendout]

Ability to disable the newsletter sendout feature. Valid values: true, false.

--disableEnvironmentCreationByNonAdminUsers [disableEnvironmentCreationByNonAdminUsers]

Restrict all environments to be created by Global Admins, Power Platform Admins, or Dynamics365 Service Admins. Valid values: true, false.

--disablePortalsCreationByNonAdminUsers [disablePortalsCreationByNonAdminUsers]

Restrict all portals to be created by Global Admins, Power Platform Admins, or Dynamics365 Service Admins. Valid values: true, false.

--disableSurveyFeedback [disableSurveyFeedback]

Ability to disable all NPS survey feedback prompts in Power Platform. Valid values: true, false.

--disableTrialEnvironmentCreationByNonAdminUsers [disableTrialEnvironmentCreationByNonAdminUsers]

Restrict all trial environments to be created by Global Admins, Power Platform Admins, or Dynamics365 Service Admins. Valid values: true, false.

--disableCapacityAllocationByEnvironmentAdmins [disableCapacityAllocationByEnvironmentAdmins]

Ability to disable capacity allocation by environment administrators. Valid values: true, false.

--disableSupportTicketsVisibleByAllUsers [disableSupportTicketsVisibleByAllUsers]

Ability to disable support ticket creation by non-admin users in the tenant. Valid values: true, false.

--disableDocsSearch [disableDocsSearch]

When this setting is true, users in the environment will see a message that Microsoft Learn and Documentation search categories have been turned off by the administrator in the search results page. Valid values: true, false.

--disableCommunitySearch [disableCommunitySearch]

When this setting is true, users in the environment will see a message that Community and Blog search categories have been turned off by the administrator in the search results page. Valid values: true, false.

--disableBingVideoSearch [disableBingVideoSearch]

When this setting is true, users in the environment will see a message that video search categories have been turned off by the administrator in the search results page. Valid values: true, false.

--shareWithColleaguesUserLimit [shareWithColleaguesUserLimit]

Maximum value setting for the number of users in a security group used to share an app built using Power Apps on Microsoft Teams. Specify any number as a value.

--disableShareWithEveryone [disableShareWithEveryone]

Ability to disable the Share With Everyone capability in all Power Apps. Valid values: true, false.

--enableGuestsToMake [enableGuestsToMake]

Ability to allow guest users in your tenant to create Power Apps. Valid values: true, false.

--disableMembersIndicator [disableMembersIndicator]

Ability to disable the display of a members indicator. Valid values: true, false.

--disableMakerMatch [disableMakerMatch]

Ability to disable the Maker Match feature, which helps organizations find internal resources with the necessary skills to develop custom apps and solutions using Power Platform. Valid values: true, false.

--disablePreferredDataLocationForTeamsEnvironment [disablePreferredDataLocationForTeamsEnvironment]

Ability to disable the selection of a preferred data location for Teams environment. Valid values: true, false.

--disableAdminDigest [disableAdminDigest]

When true, the entire organization is unsubscribed from the weekly digest. Valid values: true, false.

--disableDeveloperEnvironmentCreationByNonAdminUsers [disableDeveloperEnvironmentCreationByNonAdminUsers]

Restrict all developer environments to be created by Global Admins, Power Platform Admins, or Dynamics365 Service Admins. Valid values: true, false.

--disableBillingPolicyCreationByNonAdminUsers [disableBillingPolicyCreationByNonAdminUsers]

Restrict billing policies to be created by Global Admins, Power Platform Admins, or Dynamics365 Service Admins. Valid values: true, false.

--storageCapacityConsumptionWarningThreshold [storageCapacityConsumptionWarningThreshold]

Ability to set a threshold for storage capacity consumption warnings. Specify any number as a value.

--disableChampionsInvitationReachout [disableChampionsInvitationReachout]

Ability to disable all invitations to become a Power Platform champion. Valid values: true, false.

--disableSkillsMatchInvitationReachout [disableSkillsMatchInvitationReachout]

Ability to disable all skills match invitations to become part of the makers community. Valid values: true, false.

--disableCopilot [disableCopilot]

Ability to turn off or disable the Copilot feature. Valid values: true, false.

--enableOpenAiBotPublishing [enableOpenAiBotPublishing]

Ability to enable or disable the publishing of OpenAI bots within the organization's environment. Valid values: true, false.

--enableModelDataSharing [enableModelDataSharing]

Ability to enable or disable the sharing of model data within the organization's environment. Valid values: true, false.

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.



This command is based on an API that is currently in preview and is subject to change once the API reached general availability.


Disable environment creation for non-admin users

m365 pp tenant settings set --disableEnvironmentCreationByNonAdminUsers true --disableTrialEnvironmentCreationByNonAdminUsers true --disableDeveloperEnvironmentCreationByNonAdminUsers true

Enable Power App creation for guest users

m365 pp tenant settings set --enableGuestsToMake true

Disable guided experience, survey feedback and newsletter

m365 pp tenant settings set --walkMeOptOut true --disableNewsletterSendout true --disableSurveyFeedback true


"walkMeOptOut": false,
"disableNPSCommentsReachout": false,
"disableNewsletterSendout": false,
"disableEnvironmentCreationByNonAdminUsers": false,
"disablePortalsCreationByNonAdminUsers": false,
"disableSurveyFeedback": false,
"disableTrialEnvironmentCreationByNonAdminUsers": false,
"disableCapacityAllocationByEnvironmentAdmins": false,
"disableSupportTicketsVisibleByAllUsers": false,
"powerPlatform": {
"search": {
"disableDocsSearch": false,
"disableCommunitySearch": false,
"disableBingVideoSearch": false
"teamsIntegration": {
"shareWithColleaguesUserLimit": 10000
"powerApps": {
"disableShareWithEveryone": false,
"enableGuestsToMake": false,
"disableMembersIndicator": false,
"disableMakerMatch": false
"environments": {
"disablePreferredDataLocationForTeamsEnvironment": false
"governance": {
"disableAdminDigest": false,
"disableDeveloperEnvironmentCreationByNonAdminUsers": false
"licensing": {
"disableBillingPolicyCreationByNonAdminUsers": false,
"storageCapacityConsumptionWarningThreshold": 85
"powerPages": {},
"champions": {
"disableChampionsInvitationReachout": false,
"disableSkillsMatchInvitationReachout": false
"intelligence": {
"disableCopilot": false,
"enableOpenAiBotPublishing": false
"modelExperimentation": {
"enableModelDataSharing": false