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pp solution publisher get

Get information about the specified publisher in a given environment.


m365 pp solution publisher get [options]


-e, --environmentName <environmentName>

The name of the environment.

-i --id [id]

The ID of the publisher. Specify either id or name but not both.

-n, --name [name]

The unique name of the publisher. Specify either id or name but not both.


Run the command as admin for environments you do not have explicitly assigned permissions to.

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.


Gets a specific publisher in a specific environment based on name.

m365 pp solution publisher get --environmentName "Default-2ca3eaa5-140f-4175-8261-3272edf9f339" --name "MicrosoftCorporation"

Gets a specific publisher in a specific environment based on name as Admin.

m365 pp solution publisher get --environmentName "Default-2ca3eaa5-140f-4175-8261-3272edf9f339" --name "MicrosoftCorporation" --asAdmin

Gets a specific publisher in a specific environment based on id.

m365 pp solution publisher get --environmentName "Default-2ca3eaa5-140f-4175-8261-3272edf9f339" --id "ee62fd63-e49e-4c09-80de-8fae1b9a427e"

Gets a specific publisher in a specific environment based on id as Admin.

m365 pp solution publisher get --environmentName "Default-2ca3eaa5-140f-4175-8261-3272edf9f339" --id "ee62fd63-e49e-4c09-80de-8fae1b9a427e" --asAdmin


"publisherid": "d21aab70-79e7-11dd-8874-00188b01e34f",
"uniquename": "MicrosoftCorporation",
"friendlyname": "MicrosoftCorporation",
"versionnumber": 1226559,
"isreadonly": false,
"description": "Publisher of Microsoft solutions",
"customizationprefix": "",
"customizationoptionvalueprefix": 0