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teams chat member add

Adds a member to a Microsoft Teams chat conversation.


m365 teams chat member add [options]


-i, --chatId <chatId>

The ID of the chat conversation.

--userId [userId]

The ID of the user. Specify either userId or userName but not both.

--userName [userName]

User's UPN (user principal name, e.g. Specify either userId or userName but not both.

--role [role]

The role for the user to add. Valid values are: owner, guest. Defaults to owner.

--visibleHistoryStartDateTime [visibleHistoryStartDateTime]

Include chat history until a certain point in time. Specify either visibleHistoryStartDateTime, includeAllHistory, or neither.


Include all chat history. Specify either visibleHistoryStartDateTime, includeAllHistory, or neither.

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.


When you specify a value for role, consider the following:

  • owner can only be used for internal users.
  • guest can only be used for guest users.


Add a member by ID to a Teams chat without sharing any chat history.

m365 teams chat member add --chatId 19:8b081ef6-4792-4def-b2c9-c363a1bf41d5_5031bb31-22c0-4f6f-9f73-91d34ab2b32d@unq.gbl.spaces --userId bd94e214-7852-48b0-a326-5a34b2a02183

Add a member by UPN to a Teams chat and share chat history until a specific point in time.

m365 teams chat member add --chatId 19:8b081ef6-4792-4def-b2c9-c363a1bf41d5_5031bb31-22c0-4f6f-9f73-91d34ab2b32d@unq.gbl.spaces --userName --visibleHistoryStartDateTime 2023-05-03T12:00:00Z

Add a guest member by UPN to a Teams chat and share all chat history.

m365 teams chat member add --chatId 19:8b081ef6-4792-4def-b2c9-c363a1bf41d5_5031bb31-22c0-4f6f-9f73-91d34ab2b32d@unq.gbl.spaces --userName --role guest --includeAllHistory


The command won't return a response on success.