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teams chat message send

Sends a chat message to a Microsoft Teams chat conversation.


m365 teams chat message send [options]


--chatId [chatId]

The ID of the chat conversation. Specify either chatId, chatName or userEmails, but not multiple.

--chatName [chatName]

The display name of the chat conversation. Specify either chatId, chatName or userEmails, but not multiple.

-e, --userEmails [userEmails]

A comma-separated list of one or more e-mail addresses. Specify either chatId, chatName or userEmails, but not multiple.

-m, --message <message>

The message to send

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.


A new chat conversation will be created if no existing conversation with the participants specified with emails is found.


Send a message to a Microsoft Teams chat conversation by id

m365 teams chat message send --chatId 19:2da4c29f6d7041eca70b638b43d45437@thread.v2 --message "Welcome to Teams"

Send a message to a single person

m365 teams chat message send --userEmails --message "Welcome to Teams"

Send a message to a group of people

m365 teams chat message send --userEmails, --message "Welcome to Teams"

Send a message to a chat conversation finding it by display name

m365 teams chat message send --chatName "Just a conversation" --message "Welcome to Teams"


The command won't return a response on success.