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Angular Elements


Before you can create new Angular Elements project you need to have @pnp/generator-spfx and @angular/cli packages installed globally. If you use npm, you can install them using following command in command prompt:

npm install -g @pnp/generator-spfx @angular/cli


Since version 1.9.0 it supports Angular version 6 and Angular version 7 (Ivy render engine is the default option)


If the Angular CLI is not installed Angular option is disabled.

Getting started

To create new Angular Elements project:

  1. In your new project folder start SPFx PnP Generator using following command:

yo @pnp/spfx

  1. Choose Angular Elements as framework in interactive prompt.
  2. Provide options for generator e.g. you can provide your own parameters to Angular CLI ng new command that is used to create new Angular project.
  3. Wait for creation of projects and installation of dependencies.


Angular Elements generator creates separate SPFx and Angular projects. This allows you to use Angular CLI in development. SPFx project folder is created with -spfx suffix. Output generated from Angular is bundled and imported in SPFx Web Part.

To build Angular project and bundle it in single file you should use npm run bundle command in Angular project folder.

To build SPFx project, you can just use default gulp bundle --ship and gulp package-solution --ship commands in SPFx project folder.

You can test your solution in SPFx Workbench using default gulp serve command in SPFx project folder or in Angular Dev Server using npm run start command in Angular project folder.

Live Demo

Link to Video
