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Update provisioned artifacts for web parts, extensions and customizer with generator

It is possible to inject code that directly references web parts and extensions. Right now this is only supported for SharePoint Online projects and not for on-premises.

The tools folder provides templates to inject code directly in the web part, application customizer, command set, and/or field customizer.

├── applicationcustomizer-spo
│   └── {componentClassName}.ts
├── commandset-spo
│   └── {componentClassName}.ts
├── fieldcustomizer-spo
│   ├── {componentClassName}.module.scss
│   └── {componentClassName}.ts
└── webparts-spo
    ├── {componentClassName}.module.scss
    └── {componentClassName}.ts

These files will be maintained and updated with every new major release of the Microsoft SharePoint Framework generator.

Copy these template files to your generator

Copy the files located in the template folder to your custom generator in the template path. The overall setup of the generator should match the following pattern.

├── index.js
└── templates
    ├── addonConfig.json
    ├── config
    │   └── copy-static-assets.json
    ├── gulpfile.js
    └── spfx
        ├── applicationcustomizer-spo
        │   └── {componentClassName}.ts
        ├── fieldcustomizer-spo
        │   ├── {componentClassName}.module.scss
        │   └── {componentClassName}.ts
        ├── listviewcommandset-spo
        │   └── {componentClassName}.ts
        └── webpart-spo
            ├── {componentClassName}.module.scss
            └── {componentClassName}.ts

Now modify the files to match your requirements. For example, the HandlebarsJS generator has the following lines of code added to the import statements when generating a web part:

import { Version } from '@microsoft/sp-core-library';
import {
} from '@microsoft/sp-webpart-base';
import { escape } from '@microsoft/sp-lodash-subset';

import styles from './<%= componentClassName %>.module.scss';
import * as strings from '<%= componentStrings %>';

import * as Handlebars from 'handlebars';

export interface I<%= componentClassName %>Props {
  description: string;

export default class <%= componentClassName %> extends BaseClientSideWebPart<I<%= componentClassName %>Props> {

The only code in this example that was added is the following line:

import * as Handlebars from 'handlebars';

This make sure that after the provisioning of a web part, coding can start immediately.

Deploy custom code in generator

The files located in the SPFx folder serve as templates for all customizable assets. The names should not be changed because this will cause the whole deployment to break. To make sure the template gets deployed, a small utility needs to be called directly in the installation method of the Yeoman generator.

Make sure you reference the utility class in your Yeoman generator code:

// importing utilities
const util = require('../../lib/util.js');

In the install method call the following utility method:

install() {
    // # BUG currently only appears just in test

This utility will detect which component got added during the regular SPFx runtime and adds the code directly to the file.
