Setup and prepare your machine¶
You need to install the following on your machine before starting to use the Teams Generator.
Install Node¶
You need to have NodeJS installed on your machine. You should use the latest LTS version.
Install a code editor¶
You also need a code editor, feel free to use whatever text editor you prefer. However most of this documentation and screenshots refer to using Visual Studio Code.
Install Yeoman and Gulp CLI¶
To be able to scaffold projects using the Teams generator you need to install the Yeoman tool as well as the Gulp CLI task manager.
Open up a command prompt and type the following:
npm install yo gulp-cli --global
Install the Microsoft Teams Apps generator - Yo Teams¶
The Yeoman generator for Microsoft Teams apps are installed with the following command:
npm install generator-teams --global
Install preview versions¶
If you want to install preview versions of the Teams generator with this command:
npm install generator-teams@preview --global
Possible issues¶
If you get this error:
This generator (teams:app) requires yeoman-environment at least 3.0.0, current version is 2.10.3, try reinstalling latest version of 'yo' or use '--ignore-version-check' option
and you run npm -g outdated
you will notice that you are not running the latest version of the yeoman generator. You need to update your global package of yo using npm install yo@latest -g
. To update to the latest version of the gulp CLI use npm install gulp-cli@latest -g