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@pnp/sp/ - context-info

Selective Imports Banner

Starting with 3.8.0 we've moved context information to its own sub-module. You can now import context-info and use it on any SPQueryable derived object to understand the context. Some examples are below.


The information returned by the method is defined by the IContextInfo interface.

export interface IContextInfo {
    FormDigestTimeoutSeconds: number;
    FormDigestValue: number;
    LibraryVersion: string;
    SiteFullUrl: string;
    SupportedSchemaVersions: string[];
    WebFullUrl: string;

Get Context for a web

import { spfi } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/webs";
import "@pnp/sp/context-info";

const sp = spfi(...);

const info = await sp.web.getContextInfo();

Get Context from lists

This pattern works as well for any SPQueryable derived object, allowing you to gain context no matter with which fluent objects you are working.

import { spfi } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/webs";
import "@pnp/sp/lists";
import "@pnp/sp/context-info";

const sp = spfi(...);

const info = await sp.web.lists.getContextInfo();

Get Context from URL

Often you will have an absolute URL to a file or path and would like to create an IWeb or IFile. You can use the fileFromPath or folderFromPath to get an IFile/IFolder, or you can use getContextInfo to create a new web within the context of the file path.

import { spfi } from "@pnp/sp";
import { Web } from "@pnp/sp/webs";
import "@pnp/sp/context-info";

const sp = spfi(...);

// supply an absolute path to get associated context info, this works across site collections
const { WebFullUrl } = await sp.web.getContextInfo(" documents/file.docx");

// create a new web pointing to the web where the file is stored
const web = Web([sp.web, decodeURI(WebFullUrl)]);

const webInfo = await web();