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@pnp/core : storage

This module provides a thin wrapper over the browser local and session storage. If neither option is available it shims storage with a non-persistent in memory polyfill. Optionally through configuration you can activate expiration. Sample usage is shown below.


The main export of this module, contains properties representing local and session storage.

import { PnPClientStorage } from "@pnp/core";

const storage = new PnPClientStorage();
const myvalue = storage.local.get("mykey");


Each of the storage locations (session and local) are wrapped with this helper class. You can use it directly, but generally it would be used from an instance of PnPClientStorage as shown below. These examples all use local storage, the operations are identical for session storage.

import { PnPClientStorage } from "@pnp/core";

const storage = new PnPClientStorage();

// get a value from storage
const value = storage.local.get("mykey");

// put a value into storage
storage.local.put("mykey2", "my value");

// put a value into storage with an expiration
storage.local.put("mykey2", "my value", new Date());

// put a simple object into storage
// because JSON.stringify is used to package the object we do NOT do a deep rehydration of stored objects
storage.local.put("mykey3", {
    key: "value",
    key2: "value2",

// remove a value from storage

// get an item or add it if it does not exist
// returns a promise in case you need time to get the value for storage
// optionally takes a third parameter specifying the expiration
storage.local.getOrPut("mykey4", () => {
    return Promise.resolve("value");

// delete expired items

Cache Expiration

The ability remove of expired items based on a configured timeout can help if the cache is filling up. This can be accomplished by explicitly calling the deleteExpired method on the cache you wish to clear. A suggested usage is to add this into your page init code as clearing expired items once per page load is likely sufficient.

import { PnPClientStorage } from "@pnp/core";

const storage = new PnPClientStorage();

// session storage

// local storage

// this returns a promise, so you can perform some activity after the expired items are removed:
storage.local.deleteExpired().then(_ => {
    // init my application

In previous versions we included code to automatically remove expired items. Due to a lack of necessity we removed that, but you can recreate the concept as shown below:

function expirer(timeout = 3000) {

    // session storage

    // local storage

    setTimeout(() => expirer(timeout), timeout);