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Content Types are used to define sets of columns in SharePoint.


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Add an existing Content Type to a collection

The following example shows how to add the built in Picture Content Type to the Documents library.

const sp = spfi(...);


Get a Content Type by Id

import { IContentType } from "@pnp/sp/content-types";

const sp = spfi(...);

const d: IContentType = await sp.web.contentTypes.getById("0x01")();

// log content type name to console

Update a Content Type

import { IContentType } from "@pnp/sp/content-types";

const sp = spfi(...);

await sp.web.contentTypes.getById("0x01").update({EditFormClientSideComponentId: "9dfdb916-7380-4b69-8d92-bc711f5fa339"});

Add a new Content Type

To add a new Content Type to a collection, parameters id and name are required. For more information on creating content type IDs reference the Microsoft Documentation. While this documentation references SharePoint 2010 the structure of the IDs has not changed.

const sp = spfi(...);

sp.web.contentTypes.add("0x01008D19F38845B0884EBEBE239FDF359184", "My Content Type");

It is also possible to provide a description and group parameter. For other settings, we can use the parameter named 'additionalSettings' which is a TypedHash, meaning you can send whatever properties you'd like in the body (provided that the property is supported by the SharePoint API).

const sp = spfi(...);

//Adding a content type with id, name, description, group and setting it to read only mode (using additionalsettings)
sp.web.contentTypes.add("0x01008D19F38845B0884EBEBE239FDF359184", "My Content Type", "This is my content type.", "_PnP Content Types", { ReadOnly: true });


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Use this method to get a collection containing all the field links (SP.FieldLink) for a Content Type.

import { spfi } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/webs";
import { ContentType, IContentType } from "@pnp/sp/content-types";

const sp = spfi(...);

// get field links from built in Content Type Document (Id: "0x0101")
const d = await sp.web.contentTypes.getById("0x0101").fieldLinks();

// log collection of fieldlinks to console

Get Content Type fields

To get a collection with all fields on the Content Type, simply use this method.

import { spfi } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/webs";
import { ContentType, IContentType } from "@pnp/sp/content-types";

const sp = spfi(...);

// get fields from built in Content Type Document (Id: "0x0101")
const d = await sp.web.contentTypes.getById("0x0101").fields();

// log collection of fields to console

Get parent Content Type

import { spfi } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/webs";
import { ContentType, IContentType } from "@pnp/sp/content-types";

const sp = spfi(...);

// get parent Content Type from built in Content Type Document (Id: "0x0101")
const d = await sp.web.contentTypes.getById("0x0101").parent();

// log name of parent Content Type to console

Get Content Type Workflow associations

import { spfi } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/webs";
import { ContentType, IContentType } from "@pnp/sp/content-types";

const sp = spfi(...);

// get workflow associations from built in Content Type Document (Id: "0x0101")
const d = await sp.web.contentTypes.getById("0x0101").workflowAssociations();

// log collection of workflow associations to console