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The contents of the recycle bin.

IRecycleBin, IRecycleBinItem

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Work with the contents of the web's Recycle Bin

import { spfi } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/webs";
import "@pnp/sp/recycle-bin";

const sp = spfi(...);

// gets contents of the web's recycle bin
const bin = await sp.web.recycleBin();

// gets a specific item from the recycle bin
const rbItem = await sp.web.recycleBin.getById(bin[0].id);

// delete the item from the recycle bin
await rbItem.delete();

// restore the item from the recycle bin
await rbItem.restore();

// move the item to the second-stage (site) recycle bin.
await rbItem.moveToSecondStage();

// deletes everything in the recycle bin
await sp.web.recycleBin.deleteAll();

// restores everything in the recycle bin
await sp.web.recycleBin.restoreAll();

// moves contents of recycle bin to second-stage (site) recycle bin.
await sp.web.recycleBin.moveAllToSecondStage();

// deletes contents of the second-stage (site) recycle bin.
await sp.web.recycleBin.deleteAllSecondStageItems();

Work with the contents of the Second-stage (site) Recycle Bin

import { spfi } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/sites";
import "@pnp/sp/recycle-bin";

const sp = spfi(...);

// gets contents of the second-stage recycle bin
const ssBin = await;

// gets a specific item from the second-stage recycle bin
const rbItem = await[0].id);

// delete the item from the second-stage recycle bin
await rbItem.delete();

// restore the item from the second-stage recycle bin
await rbItem.restore();

// deletes everything in the second-stage recycle bin

// restores everything in the second-stage recycle bin