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The @pnp/sp/groupsitemanager package represents calls to _api/groupsitemanager endpoint and is accessible from any site url.

import { spfi } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/groupsitemanager";

const sp = spfi(...);

// call method to check if the current user can create Microsoft 365 groups
const isUserAllowed = await sp.groupSiteManager.canUserCreateGroup();

// call method to delete a group-connected site
await sp.groupSiteManager.delete("");

//call method to gets labels configured for the tenant
const orgLabels = await sp.groupSiteManager.getAllOrgLabels(0);

//call method to get information regarding site groupification configuration for the current site context
const groupCreationContext = await sp.groupSiteManager.getGroupCreationContext();

//call method to get information regarding site groupification configuration for the current site context
const siteData = await sp.groupSiteManager.getGroupSiteConversionData();

// call method to get teams membership for a user
const userTeams = await sp.groupSiteManager.getUserTeamConnectedMemberGroups("");

// call method to get shared channel memberhsip for user
const sharedChannels = await sp.groupSiteManager.getUserSharedChannelMemberGroups("");

//call method to get valid site url from Alias
const siteUrl = await sp.groupSiteManager.getValidSiteUrlFromAlias("contoso");

//call method to check if teamify prompt is hidden
const isTeamifyPromptHidden = await sp.groupSiteManager.isTeamifyPromptHidden("");

For more information on the methods available and how to use them, please review the code comments in the source.