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spo group member add

Add members to a SharePoint Group


m365 spo group member add [options]


-u, --webUrl <webUrl>

URL of the site where the SharePoint group is available.

--groupId [groupId]

Id of the SharePoint Group to which the user needs to be added. Specify either groupId or groupName.

--groupName [groupName]

Name of the SharePoint Group to which the user needs to be added. Specify either groupId or groupName.

--userNames [userNames]

User's UPN (user principal name, eg. If multiple users need to be added, they have to be comma-separated (e.g., Specify either userIds, userNames, emails, aadGroupIds or aadGroupNames.

--emails [emails]

User's email (eg. If multiple users need to be added, they have to be comma-separated (e.g., Specify either userIds, userNames, emails, aadGroupIds or aadGroupNames.

--userIds [userIds]

The user Id of the user to add as a member. (Id of the site user, for example: 14) If multiple users need to be added, the Ids have to be comma-separated. Specify either userIds, userNames, emails, aadGroupIds or aadGroupNames.

--entraGroupIds [entraGroupIds]

The object Id of the Entra group to add as a member. If multiple groups need to be added, the Ids have to be comma-separated. Specify either userIds, userNames, emails, aadGroupIds, entraGroupIds, aadGroupNames, or entraGroupNames.

--aadGroupIds [aadGroupIds]

(deprecated. Use entraGroupIds instead) The object ID of the Microsoft Entra group to add as a member. If multiple groups need to be added, the Ids have to be comma-separated. Specify either userIds, userNames, emails, aadGroupIds, entraGroupIds, aadGroupNames, or entraGroupNames.

--entraGroupNames [entraGroupNames]

The name of the Entra group to add as a member. If multiple groups need to be added, they have to be comma-separated. Specify either userIds, userNames, emails, aadGroupIds, entraGroupIds, aadGroupNames, or entraGroupNames.

--aadGroupNames [aadGroupNames]

(deprecated. Use entraGroupNames instead) The name of the Microsoft Entra group to add as a member. If multiple groups need to be added, they have to be comma-separated. Specify either userIds, userNames, emails, aadGroupIds, entraGroupIds, aadGroupNames, or entraGroupNames.

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.


For the userIds, userNames, emails, aadGroupIds, entraGroupIds, aadGroupNames, or entraGroupNames options you can specify multiple values by separating them with a comma. If one of the specified entries is not valid, the command will fail with an error message showing the list of invalid values.


Add a user with the userNames parameter to a SharePoint group with the groupId parameter.

m365 spo group member add --webUrl --groupId 5 --userNames ""

Add multiple users with the userNames parameter to a SharePoint group with the groupId parameter.

m365 spo group member add --webUrl --groupId 5 --userNames ","

Add a user with the emails parameter to a SharePoint group with the groupName parameter.

m365 spo group member add --webUrl --groupName "Contoso Site Owners" --emails ""

Add multiple users with the emails parameter to a SharePoint group with the groupName parameter.

m365 spo group member add --webUrl --groupName "Contoso Site Owners" --emails ","

Add a user with the userIds parameter to a SharePoint group with the groupId parameter.

m365 spo group member add --webUrl --groupId 5 --userIds 5

Add multiple users with the userIds parameter to a SharePoint group with the groupId parameter.

m365 spo group member add --webUrl --groupId 5 --userIds "5,12"

Add multiple users with the entraGroupIds parameter to a SharePoint group with the groupId parameter.

m365 spo group member add --webUrl --groupId 5 --entraGroupIds "f2fb2f10-cfd2-4054-8ffd-64533657a5ab,3e86049e-89e6-4c27-bccb-d7549f0bbd06"

Add multiple users with the entraGroupNames parameter to a SharePoint group with the groupId parameter.

m365 spo group member add --webUrl --groupId 5 --entraGroupNames "Azure group one, Azure group two" 


"Id": 11,
"IsHiddenInUI": false,
"LoginName": "i:0#.f|membership|",
"Title": "Adele Vance",
"PrincipalType": 1,
"Email": "",
"Expiration": "",
"IsEmailAuthenticationGuestUser": false,
"IsShareByEmailGuestUser": false,
"IsSiteAdmin": false,
"UserId": {
"NameId": "10032001f5ac2029",
"NameIdIssuer": "urn:federation:microsoftonline"
"UserPrincipalName": ""