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spo field add

Adds a new list or site column using the CAML field definition


m365 spo field add [options]


-u, --webUrl <webUrl>

Absolute URL of the site where the field should be created.

-l, --listTitle [listTitle]

Title of the list where the field should be created (if it should be created as a list column). Specify either listTitle, listId or listUrl.

--listId [listId]

ID of the list where the field should be created (if it should be created as a list column). Specify either listTitle, listId or listUrl.

--listUrl [listUrl]

Server- or site-relative URL of the list where the field should be created (if it should be created as a list column). Specify either listTitle, listId or listUrl.

-x, --xml <xml>

CAML field definition.

--options [options]

The options to use to add to the field. Allowed values: DefaultValue,AddToDefaultContentType, AddToNoContentType, AddToAllContentTypes, AddFieldInternalNameHint, AddFieldToDefaultView, AddFieldCheckDisplayName.

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.


If the specified field already exists, you will get a A duplicate field name "your-field" was found. error.


Create a date time site column.

m365 spo field add --webUrl --xml '`<Field Type="DateTime" DisplayName="Start date-time" Required="FALSE" EnforceUniqueValues="FALSE" Indexed="FALSE" Format="DateTime" Group="PnP Columns" FriendlyDisplayFormat="Disabled" ID="{5ee2dd25-d941-455a-9bdb-7f2c54aed11b}" SourceID="{4f118c69-66e0-497c-96ff-d7855ce0713d}" StaticName="PnPAlertStartDateTime" Name="PnPAlertStartDateTime"><Default>[today]</Default></Field>`'

Create a URL list column to a list retrieved by Title.

m365 spo field add --webUrl --listTitle Events --xml '`<Field Type="URL" DisplayName="More information link" Required="FALSE" EnforceUniqueValues="FALSE" Indexed="FALSE" Format="Hyperlink" Group="PnP Columns" ID="{6085e32a-339b-4da7-ab6d-c1e013e5ab27}" SourceID="{4f118c69-66e0-497c-96ff-d7855ce0713d}" StaticName="PnPAlertMoreInformation" Name="PnPAlertMoreInformation"></Field>`'

Create a URL list column and add it to all content types.

m365 spo field add --webUrl --listTitle Events --xml '`<Field Type="URL" DisplayName="More information link" Required="FALSE" EnforceUniqueValues="FALSE" Indexed="FALSE" Format="Hyperlink" Group="PnP Columns" ID="{6085e32a-339b-4da7-ab6d-c1e013e5ab27}" SourceID="{4f118c69-66e0-497c-96ff-d7855ce0713d}" StaticName="PnPAlertMoreInformation" Name="PnPAlertMoreInformation"></Field>`' --options AddToAllContentTypes

Create a URL list column to a list retrieved by ID.

m365 spo field add --webUrl --listId e785fe80-2ca1-409e-b9d1-19055a85cd38 --xml '`<Field Type="URL" DisplayName="More information link" Required="FALSE" EnforceUniqueValues="FALSE" Indexed="FALSE" Format="Hyperlink" Group="PnP Columns" ID="{6085e32a-339b-4da7-ab6d-c1e013e5ab27}" SourceID="{4f118c69-66e0-497c-96ff-d7855ce0713d}" StaticName="PnPAlertMoreInformation" Name="PnPAlertMoreInformation"></Field>`'

Create a date time list column to a list retrieved by URL.

m365 spo field add --webUrl --listUrl /sites/contoso-sales/lists/Events --xml '`<Field Type="DateTime" DisplayName="Start date-time" Required="FALSE" EnforceUniqueValues="FALSE" Indexed="FALSE" Format="DateTime" Group="PnP Columns" FriendlyDisplayFormat="Disabled" ID="{5ee2dd25-d941-455a-9bdb-7f2c54aed11b}" SourceID="{4f118c69-66e0-497c-96ff-d7855ce0713d}" StaticName="PnPAlertStartDateTime" Name="PnPAlertStartDateTime"><Default>[today]</Default></Field>`'

More information


"AutoIndexed": false,
"CanBeDeleted": true,
"ClientSideComponentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"ClientSideComponentProperties": null,
"ClientValidationFormula": null,
"ClientValidationMessage": null,
"CustomFormatter": null,
"DefaultFormula": null,
"DefaultValue": "[today]",
"Description": "",
"Direction": "none",
"EnforceUniqueValues": false,
"EntityPropertyName": "PnPAlertStartDateTime",
"Filterable": true,
"FromBaseType": false,
"Group": "PnP Columns",
"Hidden": false,
"Id": "5ee2dd25-d941-455a-9bdb-7f2c54aed11b",
"Indexed": false,
"IndexStatus": 0,
"InternalName": "PnPAlertStartDateTime",
"IsModern": false,
"JSLink": "clienttemplates.js",
"PinnedToFiltersPane": false,
"ReadOnlyField": false,
"Required": false,
"SchemaXml": "<Field Type=\"DateTime\" DisplayName=\"Start date-time\" Required=\"FALSE\" EnforceUniqueValues=\"FALSE\" Indexed=\"FALSE\" Format=\"DateTime\" Group=\"PnP Columns\" FriendlyDisplayFormat=\"Disabled\" ID=\"{5ee2dd25-d941-455a-9bdb-7f2c54aed11b}\" SourceID=\"{4f118c69-66e0-497c-96ff-d7855ce0713d}\" StaticName=\"PnPAlertStartDateTime\" Name=\"PnPAlertStartDateTime\" Version=\"1\"><Default>[today]</Default></Field>",
"Scope": "/sites/SPDemo",
"Sealed": false,
"ShowInFiltersPane": 0,
"Sortable": true,
"StaticName": "PnPAlertStartDateTime",
"Title": "Start date-time",
"FieldTypeKind": 4,
"TypeAsString": "DateTime",
"TypeDisplayName": "Date and Time",
"TypeShortDescription": "Date and Time",
"ValidationFormula": null,
"ValidationMessage": null,
"DateTimeCalendarType": 0,
"DateFormat": null,
"DisplayFormat": 1,
"FriendlyDisplayFormat": 1,
"TimeFormat": null