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spo list add

Creates list in the specified site


m365 spo list add [options]


-t, --title <title>

Title of the list to add.

--baseTemplate [baseTemplate]

The list definition type on which the list is based. Allowed values Announcements, Contacts, CustomGrid, DataSources,DiscussionBoard, DocumentLibrary, Events, GanttTasks, GenericList, IssuesTracking, Links, NoCodeWorkflows,PictureLibrary, Survey, Tasks, WebPageLibrary, WorkflowHistory, WorkflowProcess, XmlForm. Default value is GenericList.

-u, --webUrl <webUrl>

URL of the site where the list should be added.

--description [description]

The description for the list.

--templateFeatureId [templateFeatureId]

The globally unique identifier (GUID) of a template feature that is associated with the list.

--allowDeletion [allowDeletion]

Boolean value specifying whether the list can be deleted. Valid values are true, false.

--allowEveryoneViewItems [allowEveryoneViewItems]

Boolean value specifying whether everyone can view documents in the documentlibrary or attachments to items in the list. Valid values are true, false.

--allowMultiResponses [allowMultiResponses]

Boolean value specifying whether users are allowed to give multiple responses to the survey. Valid values are true, false.

--contentTypesEnabled [contentTypesEnabled]

Boolean value specifying whether content types are enabled for the list. Valid values are true, false.

--crawlNonDefaultViews [crawlNonDefaultViews]

Boolean value specifying whether to crawl non default views. Valid values are true, false.

--defaultContentApprovalWorkflowId [defaultContentApprovalWorkflowId]

Value that specifies the default workflow identifier for content approval onthe list (GUID).

--defaultDisplayFormUrl [defaultDisplayFormUrl]

Value that specifies the location of the default display form for the list.

--defaultEditFormUrl [defaultEditFormUrl]

Value that specifies the URL of the edit form to use for list items in the list.

--direction [direction]

Value that specifies the reading order of the list. Valid values are NONE, LTR, RTL.

--disableCommenting [disableCommenting]

Property for enabling or disabling commenting on the list. Valid values are true, false.

--disableGridEditing [disableGridEditing]

Property for assigning or retrieving grid editing on the list. Valid values are true, false.

--draftVersionVisibility [draftVersionVisibility]

Value that specifies the minimum permission required to view minor versions and drafts within the list. Allowed values Reader, Author, Approver. Default Reader.

--emailAlias [emailAlias]

If e-mail notification is enabled, gets or sets the e-mail address to use tonotify to the owner of an item when an assignment has changed or the item has been updated.

--enableAssignToEmail [enableAssignToEmail]

Boolean value specifying whether e-mail notification is enabled for the list. Valid values are true, false.

--enableAttachments [enableAttachments]

Boolean value that specifies whether attachments can be added to items in the list. Valid values are true, false.

--enableDeployWithDependentList [enableDeployWithDependentList]

Boolean value that specifies whether the list can be deployed with a dependent list. Valid values are true, false.

--enableFolderCreation [enableFolderCreation]

Boolean value that specifies whether folders can be created for the list. Valid values are true, false.

--enableMinorVersions [enableMinorVersions]

Boolean value that specifies whether minor versions are enabled when versioning is enabled for the document library. Valid values are true, false.

--enableModeration [enableModeration]

Boolean value that specifies whether Content Approval is enabled for the list. Valid values are true, false.

--enablePeopleSelector [enablePeopleSelector]

Enable user selector on event list. Valid values are true, false.

--enableResourceSelector [enableResourceSelector]

Enables resource selector on an event list. Valid values are true, false.

--enableSchemaCaching [enableSchemaCaching]

Boolean value specifying whether schema caching is enabled for the list. Valid values are true, false.

--enableSyndication [enableSyndication]

Boolean value that specifies whether RSS syndication is enabled for the list. Valid values are true, false.

--enableThrottling [enableThrottling]

Indicates whether throttling for this list is enabled or not. Valid values are true, false.

--enableVersioning [enableVersioning]

Boolean value that specifies whether versioning is enabled for the document library. Valid values are true, false.

--enforceDataValidation [enforceDataValidation]

Value that indicates whether certain field properties are enforced when an item is added or updated. Valid values are true, false.

--excludeFromOfflineClient [excludeFromOfflineClient]

Value that indicates whether the list should be downloaded to the client during offline synchronization. Valid values are true, false.

--fetchPropertyBagForListView [fetchPropertyBagForListView]

Specifies whether property bag information, as part of the list schema JSON,is retrieved when the list is being rendered on the client. Valid values are true, false.

--followable [followable]

Can a list be followed in an activity feed?. Valid values are true, false.

--forceCheckout [forceCheckout]

Boolean value that specifies whether forced checkout is enabled for the document library. Valid values are true, false.

--forceDefaultContentType [forceDefaultContentType]

Specifies whether we want to return the default Document root content type. Valid values are true, false.

--hidden [hidden]

Boolean value that specifies whether the list is hidden. Valid values are true, false.

--includedInMyFilesScope [includedInMyFilesScope]

Specifies whether this list is accessible to an app principal that has been granted an OAuth scope that contains the string “myfiles” by a case-insensitive comparison when the current user is a site collection administrator of the personal site that contains the list.

--irmEnabled [irmEnabled]

Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether Information Rights Management (IRM) is enabled for the list.

--irmExpire [irmExpire]

Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether Information Rights Management (IRM) expiration is enabled for the list.

--irmReject [irmReject]

Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether Information Rights Management (IRM) rejection is enabled for the list.

--isApplicationList [isApplicationList]

Indicates whether this list should be treated as a top level navigation object or not.

--listExperienceOptions [listExperienceOptions]

Gets or sets the list experience for the list. Allowed values Auto, NewExperience, ClassicExperience. Default Auto.

--majorVersionLimit [majorVersionLimit]

Gets or sets the maximum number of major versions allowed for an item in a document library that uses version control with major versions only.

--majorWithMinorVersionsLimit [majorWithMinorVersionsLimit]

Gets or sets the maximum number of major versions that are allowed for an item in a document library that uses version control with both major and minor versions.

--multipleDataList [multipleDataList]

Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the list in a Meeting Workspace sitecontains data for multiple meeting instances within the site

--navigateForFormsPages [navigateForFormsPages]

Indicates whether to navigate for forms pages or use a modal dialog.

--needUpdateSiteClientTag [needUpdateSiteClientTag]

A boolean value that determines whether to editing documents in this list should increment the ClientTag for the site. The tag is used to allow clients to cache JS/CSS/resources that are retrieved from the Content DB, including custom CSR templates.

--noCrawl [noCrawl]

Gets or sets a Boolean value specifying whether crawling is enabled for the list.

--onQuickLaunch [onQuickLaunch]

Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the list appears on the Quick Launcharea of the home page.

--ordered [ordered]

Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the option to allow users to reorderitems in the list is available on the Edit View page for the list.

--parserDisabled [parserDisabled]

Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the parser should be disabled.

--readOnlyUI [readOnlyUI]

A boolean value that indicates whether the UI for this list should be presented in a read-only fashion. This will not affect security nor will it actually prevent changes to the list from occurring - it only affects the way the UI is displayed.

--readSecurity [readSecurity]

Gets or sets the Read security setting for the list. Valid values are 1 (All users have Read access to all items)|2 (Users have Read access only to items that they create).

--requestAccessEnabled [requestAccessEnabled]

Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the option to allow users to requestaccess to the list is available.

--restrictUserUpdates [restrictUserUpdates]

A boolean value that indicates whether the this list is a restricted one or not The value can't be changed if there are existing items in the list.

--sendToLocationName [sendToLocationName]

Gets or sets a file name to use when copying an item in the list to another document library.

--sendToLocationUrl [sendToLocationUrl]

Gets or sets a URL to use when copying an item in the list to another document library.

--showUser [showUser]

Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether names of users are shown in the results of the survey.

--useFormsForDisplay [useFormsForDisplay]

Indicates whether forms should be considered for display context or not.

--validationFormula [validationFormula]

Gets or sets a formula that is evaluated each time that a list item is added or updated.

--validationMessage [validationMessage]

Gets or sets the message that is displayed when validation fails for a list item.

--writeSecurity [writeSecurity]

Gets or sets the Write security setting for the list. Valid values are 1 (All users can modify all items)|2 (Users can modify only items that they create)|4 (Users cannot modify any list item).

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.


Add a list with specific title and baseTemplate in a specific site.

m365 spo list add --title Announcements --baseTemplate Announcements --webUrl

Add a list with specific title and baseTemplate in a specific site with content types and versioning enabled and major version limit set.

m365 spo list add --webUrl --title Announcements --baseTemplate Announcements --contentTypesEnabled true --enableVersioning true --majorVersionLimit 50


"AllowContentTypes": true,
"BaseTemplate": 100,
"BaseType": 0,
"ContentTypesEnabled": false,
"CrawlNonDefaultViews": false,
"Created": "2022-11-16T19:51:42Z",
"CurrentChangeToken": {
"StringValue": "1;3;ea3dc19f-bc1f-4b77-afb8-14e08f4c0f6d;638042251016970000;564165920"
"DefaultContentApprovalWorkflowId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"DefaultItemOpenUseListSetting": false,
"Description": "",
"Direction": "none",
"DisableCommenting": false,
"DisableGridEditing": false,
"DocumentTemplateUrl": null,
"DraftVersionVisibility": 0,
"EnableAttachments": true,
"EnableFolderCreation": false,
"EnableMinorVersions": false,
"EnableModeration": false,
"EnableRequestSignOff": true,
"EnableVersioning": true,
"EntityTypeName": "TestList",
"ExemptFromBlockDownloadOfNonViewableFiles": false,
"FileSavePostProcessingEnabled": false,
"ForceCheckout": false,
"HasExternalDataSource": false,
"Hidden": false,
"Id": "ea3dc19f-bc1f-4b77-afb8-14e08f4c0f6d",
"ImagePath": {
"DecodedUrl": "/_layouts/15/images/itgen.png?rev=47"
"ImageUrl": "/_layouts/15/images/itgen.png?rev=47",
"DefaultSensitivityLabelForLibrary": "",
"IrmEnabled": false,
"IrmExpire": false,
"IrmReject": false,
"IsApplicationList": false,
"IsCatalog": false,
"IsPrivate": false,
"ItemCount": 0,
"LastItemDeletedDate": "2022-11-16T19:51:42Z",
"LastItemModifiedDate": "2022-11-16T19:51:42Z",
"LastItemUserModifiedDate": "2022-11-16T19:51:42Z",
"ListExperienceOptions": 0,
"ListItemEntityTypeFullName": "SP.Data.TestListItem",
"MajorVersionLimit": 50,
"MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit": 0,
"MultipleDataList": false,
"NoCrawl": false,
"ParentWebPath": {
"DecodedUrl": "/"
"ParentWebUrl": "/",
"ParserDisabled": false,
"ServerTemplateCanCreateFolders": true,
"TemplateFeatureId": "00bfea71-de22-43b2-a848-c05709900100",
"Title": "Test"

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