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spo navigation node add

Adds a navigation node to the specified site navigation


m365 spo navigation node add [options]


-u, --webUrl <webUrl>

Absolute URL of the site to which navigation should be modified.

-l, --location [location]

Navigation type where the node should be added. Available options: QuickLaunch, TopNavigationBar. Specify either location or parentNodeId but not both.

-t, --title <title>

Navigation node title.

--url [url]

Navigation node URL. When not specified a linkless label will be created.

--parentNodeId [parentNodeId]

ID of the node below which the node should be added. Specify either location or parentNodeId but not both.


Set, if the navigation node points to an external URL.

--audienceIds [audienceIds]

Comma-separated list of group IDs that will be used for audience targeting. The limit is 10 ids per navigation node.


Set, if the link has to be opened in a new window.

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.


To enable/disable audience targeting for the navigation bar, use the spo web set command.


Add a navigation node pointing to a SharePoint page to the top navigation.

m365 spo navigation node add --webUrl --location TopNavigationBar --title About --url /sites/team-s/sitepages/about.aspx

Add a navigation node pointing to an external page to the quick launch.

m365 spo navigation node add --webUrl --location QuickLaunch --title "About us" --url --isExternal

Add a navigation node below an existing node and opens it in a new window.

m365 spo navigation node add --webUrl --parentNodeId 2010 --title About --url /sites/team-s/sitepages/about.aspx --openInNewWindow

Add a navigation node to the top navigation which is audience targetted and open it in a new window.

m365 spo navigation node add --webUrl --location TopNavigationBar --title About --url /sites/team-s/sitepages/about.aspx --audienceIds "7aa4a1ca-4035-4f2f-bac7-7beada59b5ba,4bbf236f-a131-4019-b4a2-315902fcfa3a" --openInNewWindow


"AudienceIds": [
"CurrentLCID": 1033,
"Id": 2030,
"IsDocLib": true,
"IsExternal": true,
"IsVisible": true,
"ListTemplateType": 0,
"Title": "Navigation Link",
"Url": ""