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spo listitem add

Creates a list item in the specified list


m365 spo listitem add [options]


-u, --webUrl <webUrl>

URL of the site where the item should be added

-l, --listId [listId]

ID of the list where the item should be added. Specify either listTitle, listId or listUrl

-t, --listTitle [listTitle]

Title of the list where the item should be added. Specify either listTitle, listId or listUrl

--listUrl [listUrl]

Server- or site-relative URL of the list. Specify either listTitle, listId or listUrl

-c, --contentType [contentType]

The name or the ID of the content type to associate with the new item

--folder [folder]

The list-relative URL of the folder where the item should be created

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.


When using DateTime fields

When creating a list item with a DateTime field, use the timezone and the format that the site expects, based on its regional settings. Alternatively, a format which works on all regions is the following: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. However, you should use the local timezone in all situations. UTC date/time or ISO 8601 formatted date/time is not supported.


Add an item with Title Demo Item and content type name Item to list with title Demo List in site

m365 spo listitem add --contentType Item --listTitle "Demo List" --webUrl --Title "Demo Item"

Add an item with Title Demo Multi Managed Metadata Field and a single-select metadata field named SingleMetadataField to list with title Demo List in site

m365 spo listitem add --listTitle "Demo List" --webUrl --Title "Demo Single Managed Metadata Field" --SingleMetadataField "TermLabel1|fa2f6bfd-1fad-4d18-9c89-289fe6941377;"

Add an item with Title Demo Multi Managed Metadata Field and a multi-select metadata field named MultiMetadataField to list with title Demo List in site

m365 spo listitem add --listTitle "Demo List" --webUrl --Title "Demo Multi Managed Metadata Field" --MultiMetadataField "TermLabel1|cf8c72a1-0207-40ee-aebd-fca67d20bc8a;TermLabel2|e5cc320f-8b65-4882-afd5-f24d88d52b75;"

Add an item with Title Demo Single Person Field and a single-select people field named SinglePeopleField to list with title Demo List in site

m365 spo listitem add --listTitle "Demo List" --webUrl --Title "Demo Single Person Field" --SinglePeopleField "[{'Key':'i:0#.f|membership|'}]"

Add an item with Title Demo Multi Person Field and a multi-select people field named MultiPeopleField to list with title Demo List in site

m365 spo listitem add --listTitle "Demo List" --webUrl --Title "Demo Multi Person Field" --MultiPeopleField "[{'Key':'i:0#.f|membership|'},{'Key':'i:0#.f|membership|'}]"

Add an item with Title Demo Hyperlink Field and a hyperlink field named CustomHyperlink to list with title Demo List in site

m365 spo listitem add --listTitle "Demo List" --webUrl --Title "Demo Hyperlink Field" --CustomHyperlink ", Bing"

Add an item with a specific title to a list retrieved by server-relative URL in a specific site

m365 spo listitem add --contentType Item --listUrl /sites/project-x/Documents --webUrl --Title "Demo Item"

Add an item with a specific Title and multi-choice value

m365 spo listitem add --listTitle "Demo List" --webUrl --Title "Demo multi-choice Field" --MultiChoiceField "Choice 1;#Choice 2;#Choice 3"

Add an item with a specific Title and DateTime value

m365 spo listitem add --listTitle "Demo List" --webUrl --Title "Demo DateTime Field" --SomeDateTimeField "2023-01-16 15:30:00"


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