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spo homesite add

Adds a home site


m365 spo homesite add [options]


-u, --url <url>

URL of the site to use as a home site.

--isInDraftMode [isInDraftMode]

Specifies whether the home site is in draft mode. Accepts true or false. Default is false.

--vivaConnectionsDefaultStart [vivaConnectionsDefaultStart]

Specifies whether the home site is the default start for Viva Connections. Accepts true or false. Default is true.

--audiences [audiences]

Comma-separated list of Microsoft Entra group IDs that will be used as audience.

--order [order]

Order of the home site. Must be a positive integer.

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.


Add a home site

m365 spo homesite add --url ""

Add a home site with additional options

m365 spo homesite add --url "" --isInDraftMode true --vivaConnectionsDefaultStart false --audiences "af8c0bc8-7b1b-44b4-b087-ffcc8df70d16,754ff15c-76b1-44cb-88c7-0065a4d3cfb7" --order 2 


"Audiences": [
"Email": "",
"Id": "7a1eea7f-9ab0-40ff-8f2e-0083d9d63451",
"Title": "active Members"
"IsInDraftMode": true,
"IsVivaBackendSite": false,
"SiteId": "ca49054c-85f3-41eb-a290-46ffda8f219c",
"TargetedLicenseType": 0,
"Title": "testcommsite",
"Url": "",
"VivaConnectionsDefaultStart": false,
"WebId": "256c4f0f-e372-47b4-a891-b4888e829e20"

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