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spo contenttype add

Adds a new list or site content type


m365 spo contenttype add [options]


-u, --webUrl <webUrl>

Absolute URL of the site where the content type should be created.

-l, --listTitle [listTitle]

Title of the list (if it is a list content type). Specify either listTitle, listId or listUrl.

--listId [listId]

ID of the list (if it is a list content type). Specify either listTitle, listId or listUrl.

--listUrl [listUrl]

Server- or site-relative URL of the list (if it is a list content type). Specify either listTitle, listId or listUrl.

-i, --id <id>

The ID of the content type. Determines the parent content type.

-n, --name <name>

The name of the content type.

-d, --description [description]

The description of the content type.

-g, --group [group]

The group with which the content type should be associated.

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.


If the specified content type already exists, you will get a A duplicate content type "Your Content Type" was found. error.

The ID of the content type specifies the parent content type from which this content type inherits.


Create a site content type that inherits from the List item content type.

m365 spo contenttype add --webUrl --name 'PnP Alert' --id 0x01007926A45D687BA842B947286090B8F67D --group 'PnP Content Types'

Create a list (retrieved by Title) content type that inherits from the List item content type.

m365 spo contenttype add --webUrl --listTitle Alerts --name 'PnP Alert' --id 0x01007926A45D687BA842B947286090B8F67D

Create a list (retrieved by ID) content type that inherits from the List item content type.

m365 spo contenttype add --webUrl --listId '8c7a0fcd-9d64-4634-85ea-ce2b37b2ec0c' --name 'PnP Alert' --id 0x01007926A45D687BA842B947286090B8F67D

Create a list (retrieved by URL) content type that inherits from the List item content type.

m365 spo contenttype add --webUrl --listUrl '/Shared Documents' --name 'PnP Alert' --id 0x01007926A45D687BA842B947286090B8F67D


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"Description": "Create a new list item.",
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"DisplayFormTarget": 0,
"DisplayFormTemplateName": "ListForm",
"DisplayFormUrl": "",
"DocumentTemplate": "",
"DocumentTemplateUrl": "",
"EditFormClientSideComponentId": "",
"EditFormClientSideComponentProperties": "",
"EditFormTarget": 0,
"EditFormTemplateName": "ListForm",
"EditFormUrl": "",
"Group": "PnP Content Types",
"Hidden": false,
"Id": {
"StringValue": "0x01007926A45D687BA842B947286090B8F67D"
"JSLink": "",
"MobileDisplayFormUrl": "",
"MobileEditFormUrl": "",
"MobileNewFormUrl": "",
"Name": "PnP Alert",
"NewFormClientSideComponentId": null,
"NewFormClientSideComponentProperties": "",
"NewFormTarget": 0,
"NewFormTemplateName": "ListForm",
"NewFormUrl": "",
"ReadOnly": false,
"SchemaXml": "<ContentType ID=\"0x01007926A45D687BA842B947286090B8F67D\" Name=\"PnP Alert\" Group=\"PnP Content Types\" Description=\"Create a new list item.\" Version=\"0\"><Folder TargetName=\"_cts/PnP Alert\" /><Fields><Field ID=\"{c042a256-787d-4a6f-8a8a-cf6ab767f12d}\" Name=\"ContentType\" SourceID=\"\" StaticName=\"ContentType\" Group=\"_Hidden\" Type=\"Computed\" DisplayName=\"Content Type\" Sealed=\"TRUE\" Sortable=\"FALSE\" RenderXMLUsingPattern=\"TRUE\" PITarget=\"MicrosoftWindowsSharePointServices\" PIAttribute=\"ContentTypeID\" DelayActivateTemplateBinding=\"GROUP,SPSPERS,SITEPAGEPUBLISHING\" Customization=\"\"><FieldRefs><FieldRef ID=\"{03e45e84-1992-4d42-9116-26f756012634}\" Name=\"ContentTypeId\" /></FieldRefs><DisplayPattern><MapToContentType><Column Name=\"ContentTypeId\" /></MapToContentType></DisplayPattern></Field><Field ID=\"{fa564e0f-0c70-4ab9-b863-0177e6ddd247}\" Name=\"Title\" SourceID=\"\" StaticName=\"Title\" Group=\"_Hidden\" Type=\"Text\" DisplayName=\"Title\" Required=\"TRUE\" FromBaseType=\"TRUE\" DelayActivateTemplateBinding=\"GROUP,SPSPERS,SITEPAGEPUBLISHING\" Customization=\"\" ShowInNewForm=\"TRUE\" ShowInEditForm=\"TRUE\"></Field></Fields><XmlDocuments><XmlDocument NamespaceURI=\"\"><FormTemplates xmlns=\"\"><Display>ListForm</Display><Edit>ListForm</Edit><New>ListForm</New></FormTemplates></XmlDocument></XmlDocuments></ContentType>",
"Scope": "/sites/contoso-sales",
"Sealed": false,
"StringId": "0x01007926A45D687BA842B947286090B8F67D"

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