spo listitem roleassignment remove
Removes a role assignment from a listitem.
m365 spo listitem roleassignment remove [options]
-u, --webUrl <webUrl>
URL of the site where the list item is located.
-i, --listId [listId]
ID of the list. Specify either
, orlistUrl
but not multiple.-t, --listTitle [listTitle]
Title of the list. Specify either
, orlistUrl
but not multiple.--listUrl [listUrl]
Relative URL of the list. Specify either
, orlistUrl
but not multiple.--listItemId <listItemId>
Id of the list item to remove the role from.
--principalId [principalId]
SharePoint ID of principal it may be either user id or group id we want to remove permissions. Specify either
, orentraGroupName
.--upn [upn]
The upn/email of user. Specify either
, orentraGroupName
.--groupName [groupName]
The group name of the SharePoint group. Use this option exclusively for SharePoint Online groups. Specify either
, orentraGroupName
.--entraGroupId [entraGroupId]
ID of the Microsoft Entra group to remove. Specify either
, orentraGroupName
.--entraGroupName [entraGroupName]
Display name of the Microsoft Entra group to remove. Specify either
, orentraGroupName
.-f, --force
Don't prompt for confirming removing the role assignment.
-h, --help [help]
Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are
. Default isoptions
.--query [query]
JMESPath query string. See http://jmespath.org/ for more information and examples.
-o, --output [output]
Output type.
. Defaultjson
Runs command with verbose logging.
Runs command with debug logging.
Remove roleassignment from list item getting list by title based on group name
m365 spo listitem roleassignment remove --webUrl "https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/contoso-sales" --listTitle "someList" --listItemId 1 --groupName "saleGroup"
Remove roleassignment from list item getting list by title based on principal Id
m365 spo listitem roleassignment remove --webUrl "https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/contoso-sales" --listTitle "Events" --listItemId 1 --principalId 2
Remove roleassignment from list item getting list by url based on principal Id
m365 spo listitem roleassignment remove --webUrl "https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/contoso-sales" --listUrl "/sites/contoso-sales/lists/Events" --listItemId 1 --principalId 2
Remove roleassignment from list item getting list by url based on principal Id without prompting for confirmation
m365 spo listitem roleassignment remove --webUrl "https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/contoso-sales" --listUrl "/sites/contoso-sales/lists/Events" --listItemId 1 --principalId 2 --force
Remove roleassignment from list item getting list by url based on Entra group Id without prompting for confirmation
m365 spo listitem roleassignment remove --webUrl "https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/contoso-sales" --listUrl "/sites/contoso-sales/lists/Events" --listItemId 1 --entraGroupId "27ae47f1-48f1-46f3-980b-d3c1470e398d" --force
The command won't return a response on success.