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spo listitem roleinheritance break

Break inheritance of list item.


m365 spo listitem roleinheritance break [options]


-u, --webUrl <webUrl>

URL of the site where the item for which to break role inheritance is located

--listItemId <listItemId>

ID of the item for which to break role inheritance

-l, --listId [listId]

ID of the list. Specify either listTitle, listId or listUrl

-t, --listTitle [listTitle]

Title of the list. Specify either listTitle, listId or listUrl

--listUrl [listUrl]

Server- or site-relative URL of the list. Specify either listTitle, listId or listUrl

-c, --clearExistingPermissions

Set to clear existing roles from the list item

-f, --force

Do not prompt for confirmation before breaking role inheritance.

-h, --help [help]

Output usage information. Optionally, specify which section of command's help you want to see. Allowed values are options, examples, remarks, response, full. Default is options.

--query [query]

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

-o, --output [output]

Output type. json, text, csv, md, none. Default json.


Runs command with verbose logging.


Runs command with debug logging.


By default, when breaking permissions inheritance, the list item will retain existing permissions. To remove existing permissions, use the --clearExistingPermissions option.


Break inheritance of list item 1 in list someList located in site

m365 spo listitem roleinheritance break --webUrl "" --listTitle "_someList_" --listItemId 1

Break inheritance of list item 1 in list with ID 202b8199-b9de-43fd-9737-7f213f51c991 located in site

m365 spo listitem roleinheritance break --webUrl --listId 202b8199-b9de-43fd-9737-7f213f51c991 --listItemId 1

Break inheritance of list item 1 in list someList located in site with clearing permissions

m365 spo listitem roleinheritance break --webUrl "" --listTitle "_someList_" --listItemId 1 --clearExistingPermissions

Break inheritance of a specific list item in a list retrieved by server-relative URL in a specific site and clear the existing permissions

m365 spo listitem roleinheritance break --webUrl --listUrl /sites/project-x/Documents --listItemId 1 --clearExistingPermissions

Break inheritance of list item 1 in list with ID 202b8199-b9de-43fd-9737-7f213f51c991 located in site with clearing permissions without prompting for confirmation

m365 spo listitem roleinheritance break --webUrl --listId 202b8199-b9de-43fd-9737-7f213f51c991 --listItemId 1 --clearExistingPermissions --force


The command won't return a response on success.