spo field get
Retrieves information about the specified list- or site column
m365 spo field get [options]
-u, --webUrl <webUrl>
Absolute URL of the site where the field is located.
-l, --listTitle [listTitle]
Title of the list where the field is located. Specify either
.--listId [listId]
ID of the list where the field is located. Specify either
.--listUrl [listUrl]
Server- or web-relative URL of the list where the field is located. Specify either
.-i, --id [id]
The ID of the field to retrieve. Specify either
.-t, --title [title]
The display name (case-sensitive) of the field to retrieve. Specify either
--internalName [internalName]
: The internal name (case-sensitive) of the field to retrieve. Specify either id
, title
or internalName
<Global />
## Examples
Retrieves site column by id located in the specified site.
m365 spo field get --webUrl https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/contoso-sales --id 5ee2dd25-d941-455a-9bdb-7f2c54aed11b
Retrieves list column by id located in the specified site. Retrieves the list by its title.
m365 spo field get --webUrl https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/contoso-sales --listTitle Events --id 5ee2dd25-d941-455a-9bdb-7f2c54aed11b
Retrieves list column by display name located in the specified site. Retrieves the list by its url.
m365 spo field get --webUrl https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/contoso-sales --listUrl "Lists/Events" --title "Title"
Retrieves list column by internal name located in the specified site. Retrieves the list by its url.
m365 spo field get --webUrl https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/contoso-sales --listUrl "Lists/Events" --internalName "Title"
- Text
- Markdown
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"Description": "",
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"EntityPropertyName": "PnPAlertStartDateTime",
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"Group": "PnP Columns",
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"Scope": "/sites/SPDemo",
"Sealed": false,
"ShowInFiltersPane": 0,
"Sortable": true,
"StaticName": "PnPAlertStartDateTime",
"Title": "Start date-time",
"FieldTypeKind": 4,
"TypeAsString": "DateTime",
"TypeDisplayName": "Date and Time",
"TypeShortDescription": "Date and Time",
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ClientSideComponentId : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
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DefaultValue : [today]
Description :
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IndexStatus : 0
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JSLink : clienttemplates.js
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Scope : /sites/SPDemo
Sealed : false
ShowInFiltersPane : 0
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StaticName : PnPAlertStartDateTime
TimeFormat : null
Title : Start date-time
TypeAsString : DateTime
TypeDisplayName : Date and Time
TypeShortDescription : Date and Time
ValidationFormula : null
ValidationMessage : null
,1,00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000,[today],,none,,PnPAlertStartDateTime,1,,PnP Columns,,5ee2dd25-d941-455a-9bdb-7f2c54aed11b,,0,PnPAlertStartDateTime,,clienttemplates.js,,,,"<Field Type=""DateTime"" DisplayName=""Start date-time"" Required=""FALSE"" EnforceUniqueValues=""FALSE"" Indexed=""FALSE"" Format=""DateTime"" Group=""PnP Columns"" FriendlyDisplayFormat=""Disabled"" ID=""{5ee2dd25-d941-455a-9bdb-7f2c54aed11b}"" SourceID=""{4f118c69-66e0-497c-96ff-d7855ce0713d}"" StaticName=""PnPAlertStartDateTime"" Name=""PnPAlertStartDateTime"" Version=""1""><Default>[today]</Default></Field>",/sites/SPDemo,,0,1,PnPAlertStartDateTime,Start date-time,4,DateTime,Date and Time,Date and Time,0,1,1
# spo field get --webUrl "https://nachan365.sharepoint.com/sites/SPDemo" --id "5ee2dd25-d941-455a-9bdb-7f2c54aed11b"
Date: 10/3/2023
## Start date-time (5ee2dd25-d941-455a-9bdb-7f2c54aed11b)
Property | Value
AutoIndexed | false
CanBeDeleted | true
ClientSideComponentId | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
DefaultValue | [today]
Description |
Direction | none
EnforceUniqueValues | false
EntityPropertyName | PnPAlertStartDateTime
Filterable | true
FromBaseType | false
Group | PnP Columns
Hidden | false
Id | 5ee2dd25-d941-455a-9bdb-7f2c54aed11b
Indexed | false
IndexStatus | 0
InternalName | PnPAlertStartDateTime
IsModern | false
JSLink | clienttemplates.js
PinnedToFiltersPane | false
ReadOnlyField | false
Required | false
SchemaXml | <Field Type="DateTime" DisplayName="Start date-time" Required="FALSE" EnforceUniqueValues="FALSE" Indexed="FALSE" Format="DateTime" Group="PnP Columns" FriendlyDisplayFormat="Disabled" ID="{5ee2dd25-d941-455a-9bdb-7f2c54aed11b}" SourceID="{4f118c69-66e0-497c-96ff-d7855ce0713d}" StaticName="PnPAlertStartDateTime" Name="PnPAlertStartDateTime" Version="1"><Default>[today]</Default></Field>
Scope | /sites/SPDemo
Sealed | false
ShowInFiltersPane | 0
Sortable | true
StaticName | PnPAlertStartDateTime
Title | Start date-time
FieldTypeKind | 4
TypeAsString | DateTime
TypeDisplayName | Date and Time
TypeShortDescription | Date and Time
DateTimeCalendarType | 0
DisplayFormat | 1
FriendlyDisplayFormat | 1