Required Permissions
- Microsoft Graph API: AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All and Application.Read.All or AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All and Directory.Read.All
Adds an app role to a service principal/application registration in Azure Active Directory.
By built in type
Add-PnPAzureADServicePrincipalAppRole -Principal <ServicePrincipalPipeBind> -AppRole <ServicePrincipalAppRoleBind> -BuiltInType <ServicePrincipalBuiltInType> [-Connection <PnPConnection>]
By resource
Add-PnPAzureADServicePrincipalAppRole -Principal <ServicePrincipalPipeBind> -AppRole <ServicePrincipalAppRoleBind> -Resource <ServicePrincipalPipeBind> [-Connection <PnPConnection>]
Allows adding of an app role such as Sites.FullControl.All to a service principal/application registration in Azure Active Directory. This can be used to grant permissions to a service principal/application registration, such as a Managed Identity.
Add-PnPAzureADServicePrincipalAppRole -Principal "62614f96-cb78-4534-bf12-1f6693e8237c" -AppRole "Directory.Read.All" -BuiltInType MicrosoftGraph
Adds the permission Directory.Read.All for Microsoft Graph to the service principal with the object id 62614f96-cb78-4534-bf12-1f6693e8237c
Get-PnPAzureADServicePrincipal -BuiltInType SharePointOnline | Get-PnPAzureADServicePrincipalAvailableAppRole -Identity "Sites.FullControl.All" | Add-PnPAzureADServicePrincipalAppRole -Principal "62614f96-cb78-4534-bf12-1f6693e8237c"
Adds the permission Site.FullControl.All for SharePoint Online to the service principal with the object id 62614f96-cb78-4534-bf12-1f6693e8237c
Get-PnPAzureADServicePrincipal -BuiltInType MicrosoftGraph | Get-PnPAzureADServicePrincipalAvailableAppRole -Identity "Group.ReadWrite.All" | Add-PnPAzureADServicePrincipalAppRole -Principal "mymanagedidentity"
Adds the permission Group.ReadWrite.All for Microsoft Graph to the service principal with the name mymanagedidentity.
Add-PnPAzureADServicePrincipalAppRole -Principal "62614f96-cb78-4534-bf12-1f6693e8237c" -AppRole "MyApplication.Read" -Resource "b8c2a8aa-33a0-43f4-a9d3-fe2851c5293e"
Adds the permission MyApplication.Read for the application registration with object id b8c2a8aa-33a0-43f4-a9d3-fe2851c5293e to the service principal with the object id 62614f96-cb78-4534-bf12-1f6693e8237c
The object id, name or instance of the service principal/application registration to add the app role to.
Type: ServicePrincipalPipeBind
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False
The object id, name or instance of the application role to add to the service principal/application registration.
Type: ServicePrincipalAppRoleBind
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False
The built in application type to use for the app role. This can be MicrosoftGraph or SharePointOnline.
Type: ServicePrincipalAppRoleBind
Parameter Sets: By built in type
Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
The object id, name or instance of the application to which the role belongs you wish to add to the service principal/application registration. If omitted, it will try to define the owning service principal from the passed in AppRole.
Type: ServicePrincipalAppRoleBind
Parameter Sets: By resource
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True
Accept wildcard characters: False
Optional connection to be used by the cmdlet. Retrieve the value for this parameter by either specifying -ReturnConnection on Connect-PnPOnline or by executing Get-PnPConnection.
Type: PnPConnection
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Microsoft 365 Patterns and Practices Microsoft Graph documentation