Requests the unique document ID of a file to be recalculated and reassigned.
Reset-PnPDocumentId -Identity <FilePipeBind> [-Verbose] [-Connection <PnPConnection>]
This cmdlet allows requesting SharePoint Online to recalculate and reassign the unique document ID of a file. This can be useful if the document ID of a file has been lost, has gotten corrupted or duplicated. The unique document ID will be calculated based on an internal predictable algorithm and will contain parts of the site collection, web, list and listitem. It should only take seconds for it to recalculate and reassign the document ID. If it remains the same after running this cmdlet, it means the assigned document ID is correct. There's no use of running it multiple times on the same file.
You need to be connected to the same site collection in which the file on which you wish to perform the operation resides.
Reset-PnPDocumentId -Identity "/sites/demo/Shared Documents/MyDocument.docx"
This will request SharePoint Online to recalculate and reassign the unique document ID of the file MyDocument.docx in the Shared Documents library of the demo site collection.
Get-PnPFileInFolder -Recurse -FolderSiteRelativeUrl "Shared Documents" -ItemName "MyDocument.docx" | Reset-PnPDocumentId
This will request SharePoint Online to recalculate and reassign the unique document ID of the file MyDocument.docx in the Shared Documents library of the current site collection.
The ID, listitem instance, File instance or server relative path of the file for which you want to request a document id reset.
Type: FilePipeBind
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False