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Workaround for on-premises SPFx TypeScript Version (SharePoint 2016 or 2019)

Note this article applies to version 1.4.1 SharePoint Framework projects targeting on-premises only. Also we have had reports that after version 2.0.9 of hte library this workaround no longer works.

When using the Yeoman generator to create a SharePoint Framework 1.4.1 project targeting on-premises it installs TypeScript version 2.2.2 (SP2016) or 2.4.2/2.4.1 (SP2019). Unfortunately this library relies on 3.6.4 or later due to extensive use of default values for generic type parameters in the libraries. To work around this limitation you can follow the steps in this article.

npm i
npm i -g rimraf # used to remove the node_modules folder (much better/faster)
  1. Ensure that the @pnp/sp package is already installed npm i @pnp/sp
  2. Remove the package-lock.json file & node_modules rimraf node_modules folder and execute npm install
  3. Open package-lock.json from the root folder
  4. Search for "typescript" or similar with version 2.4.1 (SP2019) 2.2.2 (SP2016)
  5. Replace "2.4.1" or "2.2.2" with "3.6.4"
  6. Search for the next "typescript" occurrence and replace the block with:

    JSON "typescript": { "version": "3.6.4", "resolved": "", "integrity": "sha512-unoCll1+l+YK4i4F8f22TaNVPRHcD9PA3yCuZ8g5e0qGqlVlJ/8FSateOLLSagn+Yg5+ZwuPkL8LFUc0Jcvksg==", "dev": true }

  7. Remove node_modules folder rimraf node_modules

  8. Run npm install

Alternative using npm-force-resolutions

  1. Install resolutions package and TypeScript providing considered version explicitly:

    bash npm i -D npm-force-resolutions typescript@3.6.4

  2. Add a resolution for TypeScript and preinstall script into package.json to a corresponding code blocks:

    JSON { "scripts": { "preinstall": "npx npm-force-resolutions" }, "resolutions": { "typescript": "3.6.4" } }

  3. Run npm install to trigger preinstall script and bumping TypeScript version into package-lock.json

  4. Run npm run build, should produce no errors

Installing additional dependencies should be safe then.