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Using the steps in this article you will be able to locally debug the library internals as well as new features you are working on.

Before proceeding be sure you have reviewed how to setup for local configuration and debugging.

Debugging Library Features

The easiest way to debug the library when working on new features is using F5 in Visual Studio Code. This uses launch.json to build and run the library using ./debug/launch/main.ts as the entry point.

Basic SharePoint Testing

You can start the base debugging case by hitting F5. Before you do place a break point in ./debug/launch/sp.ts. You can also place a break point within any of the libraries or modules. Feel free to edit the sp.ts file to try things out, debug suspected issues, or test new features, etc - but please don't commit any changes as this is a shared file. See the section on creating your own debug modules.

All of the setup for the node client is handled within sp.ts using the settings from the local configuration.

Basic Graph Testing

Testing and debugging Graph calls follows the same process as outlined for SharePoint, however you need to update main.ts to import graph instead of sp. You can place break points anywhere within the library code and they should be hit.

All of the setup for the node client is handled within graph.ts using the settings from the local configuration.

How to: Create a Debug Module

If you are working on multiple features or want to save sample code for various tasks you can create your own debugging modules and leave them in the debug/launch folder locally. The gitignore file is setup to ignore any files that aren't already in git.

Using ./debug/launch/sp.ts as a reference create a file in the debug/launch folder, let's call it mydebug.ts and add this content:

// note we can use the actual package names for our imports (ex: @pnp/logging)
import { Logger, LogLevel, ConsoleListener } from "@pnp/logging";
// using the all preset for simplicity in the example, selective imports work as expected
import { sp, ListEnsureResult } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all";

declare var process: { exit(code?: number): void };

export async function MyDebug() {

  // configure your options
  // you can have different configs in different modules as needed for your testing/dev work
    sp: {
      fetchClientFactory: () => {
        return new SPFetchClient(settings.testing.sp.url,, settings.testing.sp.secret);

  // run some debugging
  const list = await sp.web.lists.ensure("MyFirstList");

    data: list.created,
    level: LogLevel.Info,
    message: "Was list created?",

  if (list.created) {

      level: LogLevel.Info,
      message: "Raw data from list creation.",

  } else {

      data: null,
      level: LogLevel.Info,
      message: "List already existed!",


Update main.ts to launch your module

First comment out the import for the default example and then add the import and function call for yours, the updated launch/main.ts should look like this:

// ...

// comment out the example
// import { Example } from "./example";
// Example();

import { MyDebug } from "./mydebug"

// ...

Remember, please don't commit any changes to the shared files within the debug folder. (Unless you've found a bug that needs fixing in the original file)


Place a break point within the mydebug.ts file and hit F5. Your module should run and your break point hit. You can then examine the contents of the objects and see the run time state. Remember, you can also set breakpoints within the package src folders to see exactly how things are working during your debugging scenarios.

Debug Module Next Steps

Using this pattern you can create and preserve multiple debugging scenarios in separate modules locally - they won't be added to git. You just have to update main.ts to point to the one you want to run.

In Browser Debugging

You can also serve files locally to debug as a user in the browser by serving code using ./debug/serve/main.ts as the entry. The file is served as https://localhost:8080/assets/pnp.js, allowing you to create a single page in your tenant for in browser testing. The remainder of this section describes the process to setup a SharePoint page to debug in this manner.

Start the local serve

This will serve a package with ./debug/serve/main.ts as the entry.

gulp serve

Add reference to library

Within a SharePoint page add a script editor web part and then paste in the following code. The div is to give you a place to target with visual updates should you desire.

<script src="https://localhost:8080/assets/pnp.js"></script>
<div id="pnp-test"></div>

You should see an alert with the current web's title using the default main.ts. Feel free to update main.ts to do whatever you would like, but remember not to commit changes to the shared files.


Refresh the page and open the developer tools in your browser of choice. If the pnp.js file is blocked due to security restrictions you will need to allow it.

Next Steps

You can make changes to the library and immediately see them reflected in the browser. All files are watched so changes will be available as soon as webpack reloads the package. This allows you to rapidly test the library in the browser.

Now you can learn about extending the library.