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Through the REST api you are able to call a subset of the SP.Utilities.Utility methods. We have explicitly defined some of these methods and provided a method to call any others in a generic manner. These methods are exposed on pnp.sp.utility and support batching and caching.


This methods allows you to send an email based on the supplied arguments. The method takes a single argument, a plain object defined by the EmailProperties interface (shown below).


export interface EmailProperties {

    To: string[];
    CC?: string[];
    BCC?: string[];
    Subject: string;
    Body: string;
    AdditionalHeaders?: TypedHash<string>;
    From?: string;


You must define the To, Subject, and Body values - the remaining are optional.

import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/sputilities";
import { IEmailProperties } from "@pnp/sp/sputilities";

const emailProps: IEmailProperties = {
    To: [""],
    CC: ["", ""],
    BCC: ["", ""],
    Subject: "This email is about...",
    Body: "Here is the body. <b>It supports html</b>",
    AdditionalHeaders: {
        "content-type": "text/html"

await sp.utility.sendEmail(emailProps);
console.log("Email Sent!");


This method returns the current user's email addresses known to SharePoint.

import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/sputilities";

let addressString: string = await sp.utility.getCurrentUserEmailAddresses();

// and use it with sendEmail
await sp.utility.sendEmail({
    To: [addressString],
    Subject: "This email is about...",
    Body: "Here is the body. <b>It supports html</b>",
    AdditionalHeaders: {
        "content-type": "text/html"


Gets information about a principal that matches the specified Search criteria

import { sp, IPrincipalInfo, PrincipalType, PrincipalSource } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/sputilities";

let principal : IPrincipalInfo = await sp.utility.resolvePrincipal("", PrincipalType.User, PrincipalSource.All, true, false, true);



Gets information about the principals that match the specified Search criteria.

import { sp, IPrincipalInfo, PrincipalType, PrincipalSource } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/sputilities";

let principals : IPrincipalInfo[] = await sp.utility.searchPrincipals("john", PrincipalType.User, PrincipalSource.All,"", 10);



Gets the external (outside the firewall) URL to a document or resource in a site.

import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/sputilities";

let url : string = await sp.utility.createEmailBodyForInvitation("");


Resolves the principals contained within the supplied groups

import { sp, IPrincipalInfo } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/sputilities";

let principals : IPrincipalInfo[] = await sp.utility.expandGroupsToPrincipals(["Dev Owners", "Dev Members"]);

// optionally supply a max results count. Default is 30.
let principals : IPrincipalInfo[] = await sp.utility.expandGroupsToPrincipals(["Dev Owners", "Dev Members"], 10);


import { sp } from "@pnp/sp";
import "@pnp/sp/sputilities";
import { ICreateWikiPageResult } from "@pnp/sp/sputilities";

let newPage : ICreateWikiPageResult = await sp.utility.createWikiPage({
    ServerRelativeUrl: "/sites/dev/SitePages/mynewpage.aspx",
    WikiHtmlContent: "This is my <b>page</b> content. It supports rich html.",

// newPage contains the raw data returned by the service

// newPage contains a File instance you can use to further update the new page
let file = await newPage.file();