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Submitting Pull Requests

Pull requests may be large or small - adding whole new features or fixing some misspellings. Regardless, they are all appreciated and help improve the library for everyone! By following the below guidelines we'll have an easier time merging your work and getting it into the next release.

  • Target your pull requests to the version-2 branch
  • Add/Update any relevant docs articles in the relevant package's docs folder related to your changes
  • Include a test for any new functionality and ensure all existing tests are passing by running npm test
  • Ensure linting checks pass by typing npm run lint
  • Ensure everything works for a build by running npm run package
  • Keep your PRs as simple as possible and describe the changes to help the reviewer understand your work
  • If you have an idea for a larger change to the library please open an issue and let's discuss before you invest many hours - these are very welcome but want to ensure it is something we can merge before you spend the time :)

If you need to target a PR for version 1, please target the "version-1" branch

Sharing is Caring - Pull Request Guidance

The PnP "Sharing Is Caring" initiative teaches the basics around making changes in GitHub, submitting pull requests to the PnP & Microsoft 365 open-source repositories such as PnPjs.

Every month, we provide multiple live hands-on sessions that walk attendees through the process of using and contributing to PnP initiatives.

To learn more and register for an upcoming session, please visit the Sharing is Caring website.

Next Steps

Now that you've submitted your PR please keep an eye on it as we might have questions. Once an initial review is complete we'll tag it with the expected version number for which it is targeted.

Thank you for helping PnPjs grow and improve!!