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Represents the Outlook services available to a user. Currently, only interacting with categories is supported.

You can learn more by reading the Official Microsoft Graph Documentation.

IUsers, IUser, IPeople

Invokable Banner Selective Imports Banner

Scenario Import Statement
Selective 1 import { graph } from "@pnp/graph";
import {Outlook, IOutlook, MasterCategories, IMasterCategories, OutlookCategory, IOutlookCategory} from "@pnp/graph/outlook";
Selective 2 import { graph } from "@pnp/graph";
import "@pnp/graph/outlook";
Preset: All import { graph, Outlook, IOutlook, MasterCategories, IMasterCategories } from "@pnp/graph/presets/all";

Get All Categories User

import { graph } from "@pnp/graph";
import "@pnp/graph/users";
import "@pnp/graph/outlook";

// Delegated permissions
const categories = await;
// Application permissions
const categories = await graph.users.getById('{user id}').outlook.masterCategories();

Add Category User

import { graph } from "@pnp/graph";
import "@pnp/graph/users";
import "@pnp/graph/outlook";

// Delegated permissions
  displayName: 'Newsletters', 
  color: 'preset2'
// Application permissions
await graph.users.getById('{user id}').outlook.masterCategories.add({
  displayName: 'Newsletters', 
  color: 'preset2'

Update Category

Known Issue Banner Testing has shown that displayName cannot be updated.

import { graph } from "@pnp/graph";
import "@pnp/graph/users";
import "@pnp/graph/outlook";
import { OutlookCategory } from "@microsoft/microsoft-graph-types";

const categoryUpdate: OutlookCategory = {
    color: "preset5"

// Delegated permissions
const categories = await'{category id}').update(categoryUpdate);
// Application permissions
const categories = await graph.users.getById('{user id}').outlook.masterCategories.getById('{category id}').update(categoryUpdate);

Delete Category

import { graph } from "@pnp/graph";
import "@pnp/graph/users";
import "@pnp/graph/outlook";

// Delegated permissions
const categories = await'{category id}').delete();
// Application permissions
const categories = await graph.users.getById('{user id}').outlook.masterCategories.getById('{category id}').delete();