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npm version

This package contains the fluent api used to call the graph rest services.

Getting Started

Install the library and required dependencies

npm install @pnp/logging @pnp/core @pnp/queryable @pnp/graph --save

Import the library into your application and access the root sp object

import { graph } from "@pnp/graph";
import "@pnp/graph/groups";

(function main() {

    // here we will load the current web's properties
    graph.groups().then(g => {

        console.log(`Groups: ${JSON.stringify(g, null, 4)}`);

Getting Started with SharePoint Framework

Install the library and required dependencies

npm install @pnp/logging @pnp/core @pnp/queryable @pnp/graph --save

Import the library into your application, update OnInit, and access the root sp object in render

import { graph } from "@pnp/graph";
import "@pnp/graph/groups";

// ...

public onInit(): Promise<void> {

  return super.onInit().then(_ => {

    // other init code may be present

      spfxContext: this.context

// ...

public render(): void {

    // A simple loading message
    this.domElement.innerHTML = `Loading...`;

    // here we will load the current web's properties
    graph.groups().then(groups => {

        this.domElement.innerHTML = `Groups: <ul>${ => `<li>${g.displayName}</li>`).join("")}</ul>`;

Getting Started on Nodejs

Install the library and required dependencies

npm install @pnp/logging @pnp/core @pnp/queryable @pnp/graph @pnp/nodejs --save

Import the library into your application, setup the node client, make a request

import { graph } from "@pnp/graph";
import { AdalFetchClient } from "@pnp/nodejs";
import "@pnp/graph/groups";

// do this once per page load
    graph: {
        fetchClientFactory: () => {
            return new AdalFetchClient("{tenant}", "AAD Application Id", "AAD Application Secret");

// here we will load the groups information
graph.groups().then(g => {

    console.log(`Groups: ${JSON.stringify(g, null, 4)}`);