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Add multiple folders in libraries using a csv file

Author: Veronique Lengelle

Add multiple folders in different libraries in a specific site

Below is an example of the format needed for your .csv file:


Make sure your target libraries contained in the file do exist in SharePoint Online.

Create multiple folders in different libraries.
Create multiple folders in different libraries in a specific site using a .csv file.
PS C:\> Add-FoldersToMultipleLibraries -siteUrl "" -filePathToImport "C:\myCSVFile.csv"
This script will create the folders (not nested) into the libraries provided in the .csv file.
Inputs (if any)
Output (if any)
Your .csv file MUST contain headers called libName and folderName. If you change those headers then make sure to amend the script.
Also make sure that your libraries ALREADY exist.
function Add-FoldersToMultipleLibraries {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Full URL of the target SharePoint Online site")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Full path of your .csv file")]

#Create the folders
$csvFile = Import-Csv -Path $filePathToImport

foreach($row in $csvFile){
Write-Host "Creating:" $row.folderName -f Yellow
m365 spo folder add --webUrl $site --parentFolderUrl $($row.libName) --name $($row.folderName)

Add multiple folders in different libraries AND in different sites

Below is an example of the format needed for your .csv file:


Make sure your target libraries & sites contained in the file do exist in SharePoint Online.

Create multiple folders in different libraries and in different sites.
Create multiple folders in different libraries and in different SharePoint sites using a .csv file.
PS C:\> Add-FoldersToMultipleLibrariesInMultipleSites -filePathToImport 'C:\myCSVFile.csv'
This script will create the folders (not nested) into the libraries and sites provided in the .csv file.
Inputs (if any)
Output (if any)
Your .csv file MUST contain headers called libName, folderName, and site. If you change those headers then make sure to amend the script.
Also make sure that your libraries & sites ALREADY exist.
function Add-FoldersToMultipleLibrariesInMultipleSites {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Full path of your .csv file")]

#Create the folders
$csvFile = Import-Csv -Path $filePathToImport

foreach ($row in $csvFile) {
Write-Host "Creating:" $row.folderName -f Yellow
m365 spo folder add --webUrl $($ --parentFolderUrl $($row.libName) --name $($row.folderName)