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Install .sppkg package in the specified app catalog

Author: Saurabh Tripathi

The purpose of this script is to install .sppkg package in the specified app catalog and approve all the permissions requested by the app. It is primarily used during development after executing the 'gulp package-solution' command. If the package name is not provided as a parameter, the script automatically detects and installs the package based on the project structure. To install a package from the site collection app catalog, use this script in conjunction with the '-appCatalogUrl' parameter. If the app catalog is not found in the given site URL, it will add a site collection app catalog.

param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Specify the absolute or relative path to the solution package file. If not provided, searches for all .sppkg files.")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Specify the URL of the app catalog site. If not provided, the package will be removed from the tenant app catalog.")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Specify if the package should be deployed in the whole tenant.")]
[bool]$tenantDeployment = $false


function Install-Package {
try {
$statusOutput = m365 status
if ($statusOutput -eq "Logged Out") {
Write-Host "Logging in to Microsoft 365...";
m365 login --authType browser

$packages = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($package)) {
Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot -Filter *.sppkg -Recurse
else {
if (Test-Path $package -PathType Leaf) {
Get-Item -Path $package
else {
Write-Host "File not found: $package" -ForegroundColor Red

if ($packages.Count -ne 0) {
$appCatalogUrl = Get-AppCatalogUrl $appCatalogSiteUrl
$packages.ForEach({ Deploy-Package $_ $appCatalogUrl })
catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception -ForegroundColor DarkRed

function Get-AppCatalogUrl([string]$url) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($url)) {
return m365 spo tenant appcatalogurl get | ConvertFrom-Json

$site = m365 spo site get -u $url | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($site) {
$appCatalog = m365 spo site appcatalog list --query "[?SiteID == '$($site.Id)']" | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($appCatalog.Count -eq 0) {
m365 spo site appcatalog add --siteUrl $url
Write-Host "App catalog added to the site '$url'" -ForegroundColor Green
else {
Write-Host "App catalog already exists on the site '$url'" -ForegroundColor Yellow
return $url

function Deploy-Package([System.IO.FileInfo]$package, [string]$url) {
Write-Host ("Deploying package {0} in {1}..." -f $package.Name, $url) -ForegroundColor Yellow

$appCatalogScope = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($appCatalogSiteUrl)) {
else {

$app = m365 spo app add --filePath $package.FullName --appCatalogUrl $url --appCatalogScope $appCatalogScope --overwrite | ConvertFrom-Json
$appToDeploy = m365 spo app get --name $app.Name --appCatalogUrl $url --appCatalogScope $appCatalogScope | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($tenantDeployment -and $appToDeploy.IsPackageDefaultSkipFeatureDeployment) {
m365 spo app deploy --id $appToDeploy.ID --appCatalogUrl $url --appCatalogScope $appCatalogScope --skipFeatureDeployment
else {
m365 spo app deploy --id $appToDeploy.ID --appCatalogUrl $url --appCatalogScope $appCatalogScope

if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($appToDeploy.AadPermissions)) {

Write-Host ("Package {0} successfully deployed in {1}." -f $package.Name, $url) -ForegroundColor Green

function Approve-Permissions([string]$aadPermissions) {
Write-Host "`tApproving permissions" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$resources = @{}
$resourceScopes = $aadPermissions -split ';'

foreach ($resourceScope in $resourceScopes) {
$resource, $scope = $resourceScope -split ','
$resource = $resource.Trim()
$scope = $scope.Trim()

if ($resources.ContainsKey($resource)) {
$resources[$resource] += $scope
else {
$resources[$resource] = @($scope)

foreach ($resource in $resources.Keys) {
$scopes = $resources[$resource]
foreach ($scope in $scopes) {
$existingGrant = m365 spo serviceprincipal grant list --query "[?Resource == '${resource}' && Scope == '${scope}']" | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($existingGrant.Count -eq 0) {
$grant = m365 spo serviceprincipal grant add --resource "$resource" --scope "$scope" | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Host "`t`tPermission '$($grant.Scope)' for the resource '$($grant.Resource)' granted" -ForegroundColor Green
else {
Write-Host "`t`tPermission '${scope}' for the resource '${resource}' already granted" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "`tApproved permissions" -ForegroundColor Green

#Install-Package -package "sharepoint\solution\sample.sppkg" -appCatalogSiteUrl $Url -tenantDeployment $true