List all checked out files in SharePoint
Author: Veronique Lengelle
Checked out files in a specific site
This script will retrieve all the checked out files in a particular site.
- PowerShell
$m365Status = m365 status --output text
if ($m365Status -eq "Logged Out") {
# Connection to Microsoft 365
m365 login
#Declare variables
$siteURL = "<YOUR-SITE-URL>"
$allLibs = m365 spo list list --webUrl $siteURL --query "[?BaseTemplate == ``101``]" -o json | ConvertFrom-Json
$resultsForSite = @()
foreach($library in $allLibs){
$allDocs = m365 spo file list --webUrl $siteURL --folder $library.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl --recursive -o json | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach($document in $allDocs){
if($document.CheckOutType -eq [int64]0){
$resultsForSite += [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
LibraryName = $library.Title
DocumentName = $document.Name
RelativePath = $document.ServerRelativeUrl
Checked out files for a specific document library on a site
This script will retrieve all the checked out files in a specific document library on a particular site.
- PowerShell
$m365Status = m365 status --output text
if ($m365Status -eq "Logged Out") {
# Connection to Microsoft 365
m365 login
#Declare variables
$siteURL = "<YOUR-SITE-URL>"
$libraryName = "<LIBRARY NAME>" ## Example: "Shared Documents"
$allDocuments = m365 spo file list --webUrl $siteURL --folder $("$libraryName") --recursive -o json | ConvertFrom-Json
$resultsForLib = @()
#Loop through each document
foreach($doc in $allDocuments){
if($doc.CheckOutType -eq [int64]0){
$resultsForLib += [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
LibraryName = $libraryName
DocName = $doc.Name
RelativePath = $doc.ServerRelativeUrl
Checked out files on each document library for multiple sites provided in a CSV file
This script will loop through each site from your CSV file, and retrieve all the checked out files from each document library. Your CSV file should contain a single header called "siteURL" with each URL per row:
siteURL |
---| | | |
Depending on the number of sites in your .csv file, the number of libraries as well as the number of files, the below script can take a very long time to provide results.
- PowerShell
$m365Status = m365 status --output text
if ($m365Status -eq "Logged Out") {
# Connection to Microsoft 365
m365 login
#Declare variables
$allSites = Import-Csv -Path "<YOUR-FILE-PATH>"
$resultsForEachSC = @()
foreach($row in $allsites){
#Get the libraries
$allLibraries = m365 spo list list --webUrl $row.siteURL --query "[?BaseTemplate == ``101``]" -o json | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach($lib in $allLibraries){
#Get all the documents
$allDocs = m365 spo file list --webUrl $row.siteURL --folder $lib.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl --recursive -o json | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach($docu in $allDocs){
if($docu.CheckOutType -eq [int64]0){
$resultsForEachSC += [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
LibraryName = $lib.Title
DocumentName = $docu.Name
RelativePath = $docu.ServerRelativeUrl