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Uninstall .sppkg package from the specified app catalog

Author: Saurabh Tripathi

The purpose of this script is to uninstall .sppkg package from the specified app catalog. It is primarily used during development after executing the gulp package-solution command. If the package name is not provided as a parameter, the script automatically detects and removes the package based on the project structure. To remove a package from the site collection app catalog, use this script in conjunction with the '-appCatalogUrl' parameter.

param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Specify the package name. If not provided, searches for all .sppkg files.")]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Specify the URL of the app catalog site. If not provided, the package will be removed from the tenant app catalog.")]


function Uninstall-Package {
try {
$statusOutput = m365 status
if ($statusOutput -eq "Logged Out") {
Write-Host "Logging in to Microsoft 365...";
m365 login --authType browser

$packageNames = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($package)) {
Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot -Filter *.sppkg -Recurse | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
else {
$appCatalogUrl = Get-AppCatalogUrl $appCatalogSiteUrl
$packageNames.ForEach({ Remove-Package $_ $appCatalogUrl })
catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception -ForegroundColor DarkRed

function Get-AppCatalogUrl([string]$url) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($url)) {
$appCatalogUrl = m365 spo tenant appcatalogurl get | ConvertFrom-Json
else {
$appCatalogUrl = $url
return $appCatalogUrl

function Remove-Package([string]$packageName, [string]$url) {
Write-Host ("Uninstalling package {0} from {1}..." -f $packageName, $url) -ForegroundColor Yellow
$app = if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($appCatalogSiteUrl)) {
m365 spo app get --name $packageName --appCatalogUrl $url | ConvertFrom-Json
else {
m365 spo app get --name $packageName --appCatalogUrl $url --appCatalogScope sitecollection | ConvertFrom-Json

if ($app) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($appCatalogSiteUrl)) {
m365 spo app retract --id $app.ID --appCatalogUrl $url --force
m365 spo app remove --id $app.ID --appCatalogUrl $url --force
else {
m365 spo app retract --id $app.ID --appCatalogUrl $url --appCatalogScope sitecollection --force
m365 spo app remove --id $app.ID --appCatalogUrl $url --appCatalogScope sitecollection --force
Write-Host ("Package {0} successfully uninstalled from {1}." -f $packageName, $url) -ForegroundColor Green

#Uninstall-Package -appCatalogUrl $Url -package sample.sppkg